Hi! I'm new to this forum. I wanted to share this push I use against Protoss with ghosts. I'm in Gold League. Anyway here it goes: 10 supply depot, 12 rax, 13 refinery, 14 rax, get reactor on one barracks and tech lab on the next, 16 orbital comand, mass mareens while researching combat shield, ghost academy, pump 1 or 2 ghosts then attack with like 12 marines, a marauder and a ghost or two. I've had a lot of success with this. Works great against a zealot rush or just a protoss with zealots and stalkers teching to something else (since theyre units will be shieldless). Attack arrives before any immortals or colossus. Please tell me what you think.
I'm assuming you make good use of EMP rounds right? I wouldn't mind seeing a replay of this build, it sounds pretty beastly.
Saw this build when merz used it, and it failed on steppes of war. Probably would work against a noob protoss, but not as much on a good protoss that has a good early army.
Are gold league protoss players considered noobs? I honestly wouldnt know just started playing... It tends not to work if there are too many sentries as they split up your army.. Will try and get replays although i dont know how to upload them. Help?
Looks like a great build, provided you've scouted first. Sentries microed properly could be a problem to your ghost's defense if they get spilt up from your infantry with a force field.
The problem is that by rushing these cute tech units, you leave yourself vulnerable to be crushed by opponents who just focus on expansions and masses of low-tech gateway units. I think it is much better to hold off on the ghosts until the enemy gets units that can really be punished by them, like immortals or high templar.
ive had this done to me, it works, but he wasnt able to beat me with it. i allways tend to build more senteries than most do, im talking around 3-4 with say 5 zealots behind them, i find them invaluble agasint terran, even a good terran only has to make 1 mistake with his placement and u can cut his army way down to size, Alltho early ghosts wreck stalkers.