I don't know if anyone is even looking for this but the 620 is a fairly popular laptop and there might be someone looking for this. First make sure you're running the Intel video driver, (you can get it from Dell's site). Set your screen definition to 1152x864, After installing Starcraft2 Beta log in and go to options change all of the graphic settings to low and the characters to 2D. It's not pretty but it is playable. The d620 is not a gaming laptop but you can manage some games on it with some tweaking. Blizzard is the best company for allowing the graphics to be lowered so that those of us with older systems can still play.
OWNED And it's concur. And I doubt it's a bot because there aren't any links or promotional phrases or such. Instead it's a somewhat useful post (although nothing that couldn't have been figured out by your average joe) that may affect a lot of people, judging by his description. Saulgoode, check out this thread if you haven't already - it may give you an additional boost in performance.