Hello, fairly noob player with some questions. 1) Does "melee" mean ground units only? I come from the RPG / classic RTS's where melee has a whole nother meaning. 2) Played a protoss loast night...I got my 3 rax, pumped out about 10 or so M & M's, scouted and saw him with 2 gates, 1 lot and looked like he was teching hard so I went in...guy was complaining about me rushing...not like I did the equivalent of a 6 pool and I thought strategy was all about doing what your opponent things you are least likely to do...What was I supposed to do...wait very nicely for him to tech to Colosi and tear my bio-ball apart? 3) I'm slowly improving my macro skills but my micro fighting sucks a@@, to put it mildly...what can I do to improve there? I'm planning on getting a game now so once I finish I'll post up the replay.
Ok, here's a replay...from what I can tell I made 2 horrible mistakes... 1) No detectors...obviously. 2) Should have attacked at the 10 min mark once I had a force of around 12 M&M's. What are some of the little things I missed?
1) yes when used as in a mellee attack, when used as a melee game it means a basic game. 2) dont worry about rushing ( though i dont think you did more like a timing push) you can rush if you want to just have a future plan after rushing. 3) the biggest mistake newer players make is trying to micro their units and watching fights, at the start box click attack then go back to you base and do some maintence then go to the fight do some stuff maybe then go back and make more pylons warp in more dudes expands. only once you can do both of those can you micro and not let your macro slip. ( though inevitabley you look at the battle micro and find once all is done you have 10 bazzilion mins and gas)
No, it refers to non-ranged units. For example zerglings are melee units. Hydras are not. Of course SC2 currently has no melee air units, so all melee units in SC2 happen to be ground units, but not all the ground units in SC2 are melee units. As for the gametype "melee", Blizzard is most likely just using the word in the general combat sense, i.e. the players engaged in an all out melee. But when players are talking about it in strategy and what not it's the "hand-to-hand" root of the definition that is really being discussed, which in gamer terms means non-ranged.
Speaking of which, it'd be very nice to have a melee flier for a bit of variety. I've toyed with the thought of the corruptor becoming one since it has all those arms at the front.
You did the absolute correct play here. You scouted well and did the appropriate counter. Be happy for yourself and ignore the complaining. Your opponent was just upset he got his hand stuck in the cookie jar.
there was in fact going to be one that replaced the carrier called the tempest i think its pretty cool idea. http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Tempest though i think zerg would prolly be the best for a melee flier.
I guess complaining wasn't quite the right word...sounded more like he was thumbing his nose at me for being "one of those rushers" In my mind though having enough time to build up a 3 rax and research concus and stims is not exactly rushing...whatever, just wanted to see what the community thought.