Gee wiz: More units, ya give it to us.

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Deus_ex_Machina, Oct 7, 2008.

Gee wiz: More units, ya give it to us.

  1. Deus_ex_Machina

    Deus_ex_Machina New Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    I just want to see the equivalent of a PAK gun for the Terrains. Come on now, tanks are very effective and all, but heck it be neat to see this. Panzer-Abwehr-Kanone. Yeah yeah balancing balancing, it does not have to be a game changing unit. Add more units for all races that make sense in a battle environment like PAK and mobile antiship cannons.

    Come on add more units, cause as it stands there are about the same amount as in the first starcraft. Unit richness sounds so appealing. Leave the balancing to algorithms...I got a better idea: Just do it, then figure it out. What about allowing the option to just omit certain units for pro-gaming.

    Seriously these folks could benifit from doing some reseach into WWII weaponry variety and implement that to the game (even in the future certain basics don't change, of course make it look and work like the 30th century or what not). More is better :) unless you are worried about "balancing" oh then it's not pro-worthy. Figure it out darn it. If the game does not crack some major heads during development than, well, the market demand will react accodingly when the wraps come out.

    Ya I know certain folks will just praise the game as already perfect...perhaps we should recognize that as short sightedness. Yeah I see the point: stop brainstorming or we might make this bigger and better than we originaly planned.

    Wouldn't that be a shame.

    SCI=SC2 with a facelift?
  2. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    *is shocked to see ssjfox posted somewhere that lurkers_lurk usually looks into*

    anyway, Blizzard doesnt want to go over the amount of of units that they had in SC because then the units start to overlapping each other, and just starts to make things bland.
  3. StarCraft should stay StarCraft. All of your ideas seem to want to change what it IS to be StarCraft.
  4. Crouse

    Crouse New Member

    Jul 14, 2008
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    I don't understand why you feel like SC:2 needs to be changed. Blizzard did an amazing job with the original and I'm sure they will do equally well with the second. Adding features from other games that don't fit the style of Starcraft doesn't make sense. If you like games that play like that then go play those games. Don't make Starcraft something that it isn't meant to be.
  5. Babmer

    Babmer Guest

    Blizzard knows what they're doing in that respect.
  6. Fix'd


    Just kidding!
  7. Deus_ex_Machina

    Deus_ex_Machina New Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    Yeah you gotta be kidding. That's like calculus homework but with a twist.
  8. Deus_ex_Machina

    Deus_ex_Machina New Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    Alright I can see I've poked too far into the sphere of conservative influence. Please understand I'm not that far to the left. But rather straddling it so that I don't tip towards the right and get that whammy that I 've got coming.
    Ok I am starting to understand the logic. A sequel should flush only "the things that needs fixing" meaning cut and paste and then scan it as pdf to be send for distribution via e-mail. Anything other needs a new template with another title. Ya, that is another project and therefore a matter to discuss anywhere but here cause frankly the others don't have time for it, well don't wanna hear it.

    So many words of fluff to say nevermind me.

    Yours trully,

  9. CyberPitz

    CyberPitz New Member

    Apr 16, 2008
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    If you start adding more units, you start to get a blend of units overlapping their goals. Look at the Thor. It's been changed so many times because it's been overlapping roles with other units. Making each unique have it's own unique goal assures that the game will not just become a bland and boring RTS like 90% of the others.
  10. Just because we know what makes a good game doesn't mean we're resistant to change. I love change. I just know that this would be detrimental.. ESPECIALLY with the StarCraft series.
  11. Crouse

    Crouse New Member

    Jul 14, 2008
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    We're not trying to blow you off, and a lot of your ideas would make for an excellent game, but they aren't in the style of Starcraft. Blizzard has a formula that works amazingly in starcraft, name another game published 10 years ago you can still go to any major store and buy, why would they throw a whole bunch of new stuff into the mix, when 90% of the starcraft fans don't want it. We've waited a long time for SC:2, and we want a game in the style of starcraft.

    Again your ideas of additional units, and/or units that are more customizable would make for a fun game, but that game would no longer be the starcraft we are all looking forward to. If blizzard wanted to make another game that involved those features I would be all for it. As it stands you should still be able to have those ideas in SC:2, as the map editor is supposed to be better then anything we've seen before. It would be some work for you, I won't claim to know how much, but if you care strongly enough about having these ideas implemented you should be able to make as many additional units as you want. Heck last I heard you can create whole races in the editor.