Three different sources have posted articles related to emails sent out reguarding the Starcraft II Beta through emails, Kotaku, one of the websites states that.. This was confirmed on three different sites but i still hold some speculation as to if this information is true or not. This is the supposed Email sent out by Blizzard Entertainment: Sources: C|NET: Gaming Shogun: Kotaku: No official word from Blizzard, but its pretty safe to assume this might be legit at this point. Considering several TL'ers have reported receiving a similar email just recently it shows further progress on the behalf of Blizzard in preparation of the beta. It seems the beta is just about here, hopefully this information is not false because it deffinently increases my mood! enjoy! -Seradin
What ... the ... hell? Anyways, this is nice to hear but it's really nothing we haven't seen before. However, the way they mentioned June 19 makes it seem like they're planning on launching it this month or shortly into July .. which is better than after BlizzCon and that's what I had resigned myself to Also,
This great info., this had really brightend my day. Man just knowing that the beta could be right around the corner, I am hoping with excitement.OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG!!!! It's June 15 num nuts....
Even if the beta started today, it would still be a few months before the retail game actually releases, unless they go gold right when the beta starts which is unlikely. Unless you a pull a EA games and release an unpolished, imbalanced game on launch and then release patches for it after all the problems in beta etc are addressed a few weeks or even months later.
Well, this is better news than no news. Sure, the game is still many months off, but every bit of information just brings us that much closer to having the product in our hands! mmmm.
yea, i'm getting pretty excited now i might just play sc a whole buttload before the release just to get my reaction time back up to speed.
Wow, excellent news! Like Cyberpitz said: "every bit of information just brings us that much closer to having the product in our hands!" Totally agree!
like i said somewhere before i think the beta is a stress test for the new and itll flush out the few remaining bugs, they'll prolly wont even wait for beta to end before they decide on release and start with the gold...simple patch on launch date to fix bugs and we are all set
Well at least that email gives us some very important news. That there is no NDA associated with the beta. I know a lot of other games in the past have had NDA's with their betas. And I think it's a good thing. Just like the WoW PTR's people work out all the bugs and glitches and how to abuse them for their own benefit. And Blizz will see this and close them down. And helps with balancing too. And I think the same track will be taken with the SC2 Beta.