sometimes in some situations i just miss this mission-like thng you can have. Ok so whats the problem? The problem is that for example you want to attack 2 basedefenses simoultanouisly with 2 armies. The 2 basedefences lies close to each other and the 2 armyattacks comes form the same direction. So you order the one army to attack and then you order the next army to attack. So when the first army arrives it will recieve fire from the 2 base defences until both armies are within range. So if you could make the 2 armies to attack on the same time that would be cool. Here is how i could imagine how it could be gameplay vise: Click: activate mission button (now this button changes to "conduct mission") select army 1 order army 1 to attack structure 1 (no units starts to move) select army 2 order army 2 to attack structure 2 (no units starts to move) Click conduct mission (now this button changes to "activate mission") - (units starts to move) 2 armies attacks 2 structures exactly on the same time. And no armies will suffer more than the other. Any ideas about that?
No. It's useless and would just cut down on useful micro while making things even more complicated for something that has no effect anyways.
its a interesting concept but i think it would fit more in warhammer then starcraft 2, plus currently in starcraft 2 you can select up to i think the number is like 256 units at once? so really you would have no use for it.
Yeah- for a good player, the difference between a large attack launched by this mechanic, and a large attack launched without it, would be about 1.5 seconds. It would basically be clutter for the majority of players.
But if you are so good with micro then you can just launch your attacks without using the mission button. No one is telling you that you MUST use it
But it's so useless that it would cause more harm than good. StarCraft 2's UI DOES NOT need to be cluttered with useless crap.
Minimal usefullness. The real life time spent on clicking that mission button can be spent ordering that second army for the same effect. In multiplayer its actually a loss, in campaign its marginally usefull.
I agree with the above posts critizizing this and have my own point. The more of these kind of abbilities are added, the lesser the chance of sc2 becoming a real big esport. First we got macro-easening abbilities - so blizzard added dark-pylon and so on. If we now add this, blizzard would have to add more micro abbilities.
starcraft2 style is like a wow quest for me _____________________________________________________________________________________ Starcraft2 Addict School Rumble Addict