Game starts, and immediately says "VICTORY"????

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by snb778, Mar 24, 2010.

Game starts, and immediately says "VICTORY"????

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by snb778, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. snb778

    snb778 Guest

    I just created a new map, and here is what I did

    *4 players
    changed 2 players to HUMAN in zone 1, and in zone 2 I put the remaining players on COMPUTER. for zone 1, I unchecked random locations, and for zone 2, i checked random start locations (for the computer)

    *Under "Player Settings" I put player 1 and 2 to "Human Control/ User selectable"

    *My goal is to figure out how to make the start locations set, and NOT random.

    *now when I setup the game play.... I keep the same start location under "Use Map Settings", AND "Free for all" but not Melee

    *when I use "use map settings" it only lets me play vs. 2 computer players

    *when I use "free for all" it lets me choose up to 3 players (which is correct). Why on "use map settings" does it only let me play vs 2 players, aside from it says "VICTORY" right when the game starts????
  2. snb778

    snb778 Guest

    anybody please... mainly trying to figure out why the game says "VICTORY" right away in USE MAP SETTINGS mode
  3. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    The Netherlands
    Somebody give Imagine. a poke please.
  4. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    Remove all the other unused computer players and put them into Force 3 slot and uncheck random start location on Force 2. This should set the CPU in place.

    The reason why it is completely random in the Melee game type is that it ignores preset conditions/actions that were made to the map and plays as though it were a normal melee map. Now those changes are Map Settings hence the Use Map Settings game type.

    In Use Map Settings, you are only able to play against two CPU players because that is how they are defined! VICTORY is a condition that is being met. Please take a look at your Triggers (Scenario -> Triggers or CTRL + SHIFT+T) Find the condition and action that defines the victory.

    Here is the default trigger:
    I have a quick question for you... Did you pre-place units and buildings such as the Nexus, Hatchery, or CC for the CPU players? If you have not done so yet, please make the necessary adjustments because them starting without buildings is meeting the condition for victory!