The first thing I noticed, was how the speed of the game was a tad too quick. But since it is ladder speed, I had to stick with it. What is the reason behind? Too slow and it will be easy to both macro and micro. Too quick and it will get too sloppy. What do you think?!
SC2 seems a bit more turtle heavy as its much easier to survive w/out and expansion and easier to wall off. It's also a little less micro intensive as they've added a lot of features to the UI like unlimited group size, rally point for drones, better pathfinding, idle drone button, etc... I think that if the speed was any slower it would make the game a bit dull and reduce disparity in skill too much.
I suppose there are a lot of new units/abilities like banelings, warp prisms, maruaders, nydus that are good at countering turtles. I was more referring to the fact that it is much easier to survive off one base in SC2 than it was in SC1. In SC1 most players went for a fast expand (correct me if I'm wrong but I think more probes can mine from the same patch in SC2 than SC1), but now toss players can get ground units on the field with warp prisms, terrans can lower depot walls to let units out and then go back into turtle mode, and zerg are given a lot of strong 1-hatch openings b/c of the queen.
Your minerals get mined out much faster than in SCBW. Also, all of the features you're talking about are more than countered by it being easier to get into the base. In fact, Blizzard has all along said that they wanted the games and the races to be more mobile (i.e. less turtling). I'd say you need some more play time.
Yeah, I'd say SC2 is less turtle heavy. Defenses seem easier to break through, and units like Reapers and Cols make walls a non-issue.
This. You just can't turtle and expect to hold out for long with a single base. You'll just get starved to death, if you know what I mean.
Agreed. Expo's and Macro are extremelyyyyy important in SC2. Because resources are harvested faster it also exemplifies the addition of a second base/third base/fourth etc. Having the resources faster will allow you to gain an edge on the opponent.
Well maybe a fourth if you're playing Zerg, but having a fourth as Protoss usually means the game is REALLY dragging on.
Agreed with all fo the above. At times I tend to 1st expo to the nearest chink of minerals to my main base and use that. And I just defend my exop early on as they have to get through the expo to get to the main base. And by the time it's an arial war, I have defended my main base too. For me main base + 1 expo seems to be enuogh minerals and gas to last me through most games. And having the expo is also good because it ups the rate of minerals I get or total mierals/gas per second I can get mined. And that is almost more important than the total amount of minerals/gas in the main+expo. Cause in a pinch I'll need minerals fast. And no expos is not enough. Sure the early expo is a risk cause of early rushcraft, but if you can pull it off you'll be set up and have the advantage after the rush is defeated.
Not really. Money maps just encourage turtling And poor gameplay decisions as they don't encourage wise mineral spending or expo creation. And there is enough minerals in standard maps with an expo or 2. Enough for most games. Money maps don't have much place for most gamers. And I'm slowly coming to the conclusion money maps are not worth my time.
I beg to differ, most would say this though and i don't blame them. I just think it's a different scale. Maybe not even money maps but something similar to BGH or money map set-up would be fun!