Game modes and pre-game strategy tools. SUGGESTION

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by StormCrow, Aug 1, 2007.

Game modes and pre-game strategy tools. SUGGESTION

  1. StormCrow

    StormCrow New Member

    Jul 18, 2007
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    Once again I'm here to post a couple of suggestions. This time it is about Game modes and pre-game strategy using the game menu. Here are the ideas:

    1.) A new game mode:-------- Conquerer -------------------------------------------------------------

    If any one of you has played StarWars Battlefront conquest mode, you might get the idea pretty fast.

    First thing to do is to roll a dice. The player who wins the roll has the advantage to decide which one of the players can start with an attack move.

    Next: It is time for the players to select the maps they want to play on. there will be 5 maps in total. The attacking player selects 2 maps and the defendig player selects 3.

    When the maps are selected the attacking player chooses a map (or planet) the defending player has and is able to make an attack. after the target of the attack has been chosen, a battle will be fought on that map. The winner of each battle will gain control of the map the battle was fought on, and the opportunity to choose his next attack move to a hostile planet.

    The player who doesn't have any maps under his/her control after each mach, will lose the conquest. As simple as that. Sometimes however a conquest can take longer than expected. Because of that, it would be pleasing if the conquest could be saved and continued some other time.

    Pearhaps some depth could be added by giving the players some rewards after each victory on a certain map. :)

    2.) A New game mode -----------Armageddon-------------------------------------------------

    Basically a normal SC2 game, except that it's not. There would be a new category of maps called ''The Armageddon maps''
    This game mode is about pressure, players skills in adapting in every situation, randomness and fun. Would not be quite suitable for tournament play because of the unfair and randomish advantages the game mode would include.

    In the Armageddon mode, after about 5 minutes of game play, the environment starts to ''live''. This means that there will be thundetrstorms, meteor showers, swarms of hostile units controlled by the computer, earth quakes, fog and rain, everything that makes the player under pressure, and anything that is able to destroy things. In the end, lets say about 1 hour of gameplay, the map would be so hellish that it is hard to move without losing some of your units. (all these things depend on the map settings ofcourse.)

    While I find this game mode very fun, it wouldn't ruin the balanced gameplay of the SC. It is just a mode just like CTF. ;D


    3.) Pre-game strategy tool.

    Players would have acces to a map tool, to take a close and detailed look to the map they are going to play on. while able to view the map in 2d or 3d mode, the players are able to put markers, draw lines and make notes on the map aswell as zoom in and out. The plan could then be saved to its' own folder and used in later games aswell.

    Done. What do you think?
  2. GuiMontag

    GuiMontag New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    1) sounds alright, but i think they call it best of three :p
    2) this type of gameplay would be good for versing friends, but it would end up being bad for online with the "OMG lightning killed 3 of my drones GG" then they leave :p
    3) This is a great idea, they could have it viewable when your in the waiting room, or when the map is loading
  3. DontHate

    DontHate New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Dude! i LOVE the node combat thing. But, the "armeggedon" gameplay is sort of... well i'm guessing it's just going to be annoying. I hope people play the conquest though, unlike most ofther game types.
  4. Hito

    Hito New Member

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Since Starcraft 2 will be just as supporting to Map/Scenario making as Warcraft 3, im sure the Community will make there own maps and game modes.
    Maybe you could make your ideas come true :)

    And about the Strategy tool, It would be nice indeed.
  5. SirBaron

    SirBaron New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    Great ideas. :powerup:
  6. Lemmy

    Lemmy New Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    Nice. By the way, did anyone ever play greed or capture the flag game modes on SC1? What are those about?
  7. im a roc

    im a roc New Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    1) A pretty good idea, but it doesnt fit into the game as wel as it did in battlefront
    2) This I think is brilliant. I would love to play something like this, not to mention make some of my own.
    3) This is even better, as long as during the game each player could see their own markings, this would be extremly helpfull.

    Nice ideas overall :powerup: