Game is really starting to piss me off. Just can't seem to win.

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Willpower101, May 30, 2010.

Game is really starting to piss me off. Just can't seem to win.

  1. Willpower101

    Willpower101 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    I just lost another game, now I'm bumped down a league. I mainly play protoss cause I just don't get the other other races in this game yet (don't know the builds yet) and I was awesome at toss in sc1.

    I just dont' get it.
    How in the hell does the other guy have time to micro a single probe running around in my base to where I can't kill it???

    Also, I've done everything right, wasted no resources, walled off, built two gateways and a pylon, and started chugging out zealots and a couple of sentries. Of course by the time I get to his base he has two MORE zealots, two more probes, and 4 stalkers.

    Not only this, in the reply he has protoss ground weapons upgraded already. wtf. where is this money coming from?
  2. Jukes

    Jukes New Member

    May 20, 2010
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    Idk either. I've won some. But lost a lot.
    I'll have an army. But he'll have double.
    Only way I can seem to win is if I rush in and actually can cause some damage in the first five minutes.
    But that isn't going to help me down the road when I play higher skills guys.

    Don't really got an answer for you. Just thought i'd release some of my dumbfoundedness. lol.
  3. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    The reason you are loosing is most probably because your placement match sent you to the wrong league. My "gold" friend got placed in the "platinium" when he first started then went on a loosing streak before being place in "gold" league and then he started winning some games.

    Just give it time, the adversaries your being pitted against are not of your skill level. And whit time it will get better.

    I was given "silver" rating and raped them all. Eventually bumped into "gold" and started loosing to better players.

    Keep in mind that this is still Beta and that they are changing the placement algorythm at almost every patch. Keep on playing, you'll get better playing better people. It just takes time.
  4. Willpower101

    Willpower101 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    Yeah, Just finished winning my third silver game in a row :p Still wish I knew how to play against those higher ups. I was winning competitions in sc1 but that was also 10 years ago in high school when I had nothing better to do than sleep with the game, lol.

    I still don't get how they have time to micro a probe while still building their base.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2010
  5. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    Good job on the winning streak there. Remeber that a defeat is not a loss. You have the replay to learn from your mistakes. That helps me a lot.

    For the probe thing, watch the reaply, usually people Queue up movements, that gives time for them to go abck to the base and macro.
  6. Dr.Toss

    Dr.Toss New Member

    May 27, 2010
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    shift click. Best time saver ever
  7. Hodl pu

    Hodl pu New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    Yes shift + right click :)
    I've been learning how to use it recently. I didn't even know it existed until 2 weeks ago, haha.
  8. Willpower101

    Willpower101 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    GOOOO! That's awesome. Yeah I need to really get some basics of this game down first, lol.
  9. Willpower101

    Willpower101 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    As a side note, are leagues all the same group of people? Eg. is everyone in silver league on this forum the same people I can see on my computer, or are there like multiple, regional silver leagues?
  10. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    There's a whole bunch of groups for each "rank".
  11. Fslb

    Fslb New Member

    May 13, 2010
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    Seems pretty obvious that your build order probably isn't perfected yet. However, I found that effective scouting allows you an edge in most 1v1s. You see what units he is pumpin out etc. You should know what units counter with. You scouting should almost dictate your play. If he expod early, either mass a force and hit it or snag one of your own so you aren't super behind. You gotta be thinking ahead, always. And of coufrse shift right click for scout microing is god.
  12. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    There are multiple silver leagues. They splitted them up so that you are never end up being 10 000th in "the" silver league, it's better for your ego to see yourself as 20th in "your" silver league.

    It's better for your ego to be moving from spot 20th to 15th. Instead of 10,975 to 10,970.

    Added to that people in different region of the world are cut-off from you. You don't play vs Asian or European people if you are in the americans server and vice versa.

    Example I'm in Gold for Americans servers. And in my gold league there is 150 position right now. I'm ranked 60 something last I checked.

    Before you ask, the games you play are against other people BNET judge you are worth playing. You are no restricted to play vs "your" silver league, you can play anyone on any silver league.

    If you are the top ranked of Silver, Bnet will pitt you against Gold to see if you are worthy. If so you will get promoted. And as you saw you can be demoted by the same rules.

    On another note: For your Information, try not to doule post (post a comment on the forum, then post another one). If nobody replied, feel free to Edit your last post to add a comment. This will help keep the forum clean. ;)
  13. Caiaphas

    Caiaphas New Member

    May 15, 2010
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    Also control groups really, really help a lot when I'm microing but trying to macro at the same time. In every game I make my first scout Ctrl Group 2, so that I can move him on the mini map without taking my eyes off of my base. The same works in reverse as well. I keep the higher number Ctrl Groups for my buildings (9 is all of my Command Centers, 8 is all of my Reactor Barracks, etc.). That way, when I am microing or scouting, all I have to do is hit 9 and then S to make more SCVs, and I never take my eye away from what I am microing.
    Last edited: May 30, 2010
  14. Willpower101

    Willpower101 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    Sorry you feel that I double posted. I didn't think i did. :) I was responding to his thread explaining how my situation was similar, than realized that I had enough different questions to warrant their own thread, since my questions didn't revolve around ground defense specifically, but play in general. I may have few posts here, but I'm experienced in forums.

    Well, although sometimes a bit close, I am still consistently winning. I hope they don't bump me back up to gold, because I would like to practice with zerg and terran.

    I'm not even sure how to correctly write out my winning builds, they seem to involve
    9 pylon
    11 gateway
    16 cybernetics core
    with assimilator at 10 or 14

    If I continue to make a few zealots, then stalkers as much as I can until 2 stargates are built, I have my second void by 28ish and am ready for a crippleing attack.

    If not I defend, and take a minute to build up to 5 or 6 voids with a ton of zealots and retaliate for a kill.

    This is working great on silver. But it's too slow at gold. (I also watch people waste resouces like crazy at silver, so that may be a part of it?)
  15. @Willpower101, You need assimilators a lot earlier dude. And why would you make 16 cybernetics core? You make about 11 gateways mid-game. Not that early because then you probably wouldn't have enough resources to be able to pump out all those units. And you only need 1-2 cybernetics core. The first one you need to research warp gates because they come in very handy at quickly stopping pushes. Void rays are pretty much best used with a partner. The problem is that it's too easy to counter. (marines, stalkers, hydralisks). Rushing for void rays isn't that effective in the higher leagues. You should focus on Protoss ground first because that's where they are the strongest. Get an observer after cybernetics. (at Robotics Facility) and have it scout the enemy base. It's very important to know what the enemy has and what he can make. I generally make a couple cannons behind mineral lines and at chokepoints. One strategy you can use is have 10 warp gates, have stalkers upgraded with blink, get an observer near cliffside that's close to enemy mineral line, and have the stalker's blink up there. It works better if you use warp prism instead of observer because then you can warp units in. I recommond warping zealots and sentries so you can have the sentries use forcefields to stop the enemy from coming in.
  16. L3ttuc3

    L3ttuc3 New Member

    Nov 3, 2008
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    He doesn't mean he builds 16 cybernetics cores hehe. What he means is that at 16/18 psi usage he builds his cybernetics core. I can't even begin to fathom the mindset that would lead someone to build 16 cybernetics cores. And even 11 gateways would be a bit unnecessary. But again, he meant build gateway at 11/18 psi usage.

    @Willpower: Your build order looks fine to me, that' more or less what I do. I highly recommend practicing order queues and using those hotkeys on your production structures. Depending on what your doing with your scouts and what not, those things can speed your game up quite a lot.
  17. Willpower101

    Willpower101 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    Great advice, just started hotkeying structures and it IS helping me 'keep up with the Jones' a bit more. Though I'm still clumsy at it for now.
  18. asdf

    asdf New Member

    Jun 21, 2009
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    1. waypoints.
    2. are you using chrono boost effectively? unless you're rushing zealots, you need to have a near-permanent chrono boost on your nexus and pump out probes.
  19. Willpower101

    Willpower101 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    Yep, Chrono all the time. That I have practically mastered until I get too heavy into battle. How many probes should I be stopping at?
  20. teraformer

    teraformer New Member

    Jan 10, 2009
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    I know this feeling. The few times I played online with SC1 I got my butt kicked most of the time. I could never understand how in just 5 minutes they could have siege tanks bombarding my bunkers I just filled with Marines. And not just 1 or 2. But 4 or 5.

    Or how I would get a 2nd base up and running they were starting on their 3rd or 4th. And have any army more than twice the size of mine. I just could not figure it out.