Game Editor help

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by marcmad, Oct 6, 2009.

Game Editor help

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by marcmad, Oct 6, 2009.

  1. marcmad

    marcmad New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    Hi. I'm creating a map. that my first time i do it and it will be very complicated. Any 1 have a site to help me about it?
    (i have x-Tra but don't know differences between X-tra special and other kind)

    And anyone can answer those question:
    Is there a way to make custom score to get up each time we kill a unit (like zerling) and different score each time we kill another kind of unit(ex hydralisk)?

    What are switch about and how to use them?

    How do we make computer use their special skills without them having a AI?(or maybe they have only for that?)

    Well that the question I have for now. Be sure that not the end i aren't even at 10% game done.
  2. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    Are you asking for a way to display a leaderboard for total points or do you want to set up your own score for each unit killed (Ex. 1 Zergling = 250 Points) Because if you set up a regular points leaderboard, StarCraft has a default kill score for each and every unit (Ex. 1 Zergling = 50 Points) Please take a look at our reference for StarCraft Unit Kill Scores to find out how much each unit's death is really worth!

    Anywhoo... To set up a regular points leaderboard:
    To get that action to show up, look in the actions listing for a Leaderboard (Points).

    If you want to set up custom points for units, follow this:
    To get that action to show up, look in the actions listing for a Set Score. You always want to preserve the trigger so that it is constant in your map.

    Switches are analogous to Boolean values in programmer parlance. Essentially, they are used to indicate either an "on" or "off" condition. You can use them however you like. They are most useful for preserving state across triggers. You might, for example, set a switch if a certain hero is killed if you want to defer taking action on it until a later time. Then, you could test the state of that switch to see if it was "set" or "reset", even though the event that caused to be set might no longer be detectable. -- SCC FAQ

    Here is a trigger using a switch by turning it on and off:
    By killing 1 Terran Marine, you activate the Switch!
    After the Switch has been activated, the trigger above detects the switch being turned on and reacts by adding 80 points to your score! After it adds points to your score, it then turns the switch off by clearing it.

    There are four states for a switch:
    Set - Turns the switch "On"
    Clear - Turns the switch "Off"
    Toggle - If the switch is "On," it turns it "Off" and vice versa.
    Random - Randomly turns the switch "On" or "Off"

    I was just in the middle of making a tutorial on how to get CPU units to use their special abilities if certain circumstances are met!
  3. 1n5an1ty

    1n5an1ty Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    yup, wut imagine said, BUT if u wanna do unique terrrain, etc., use scmdraft2, i forgot the link
  4. marcmad

    marcmad New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    Thank to you for answering my 1 round of question. Still i didn't used the switch yet(still making map)

    Here is round 2:

    Anyone have a link to SCmdraft2? and what did this program offer about terrain?

    Still how can I make comp use their special abilitie?

    Can I use abilitie without the 1 who spawn it? "ex: stasis field without arbitrer" and how?
    (saw somethink like this with Kaboom)

    Can I change the shooting range of unit and building as their special abilitie too?

    Can I change the vision range?

    I know it's a lot of question ^^
  5. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    For a link to download SCMDraft 2, please have a look at our Mapping Tools and Utilities. SCMDraft 2 offers ISOM and Square terrain editing.

    Here is the topic I am making in regards to getting CPUs to use special abilities. Take a look at Getting CPUs to Use Spells/Abilities. It is still a work in progress but keep on looking!

    It is possible to change the attack range and other items in StarCraft through the use of Modding programs.
  6. marcmad

    marcmad New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    If I take 2 different terrain like structure and high dirt I remarked I can't make a wal with those 2.

    Did he have a way to make them join?

    Can I make unit unable to see what he have in the other side of a cliff(block vision range at the cliff)(or well any other place)?

    Is there a way to use desert terrain when i choosed badland terrain?

    In SC X-Tra i changed from special mode to base mode and got an placement error. Is that normal?

    Sorry If that not enough clear. Please ask for more detail if you don't understand.
  7. Carlos1991

    Carlos1991 Guest


    I've been trying for almost 2 days now to make a trigger that makes it so every 15 kills you get you get a unit or 2 and i just can't for the life of me figure it out, I've been messing it and used

    C: Player x kills 15 units
    A: create x units
    A:preserve trigger

    I've also tried using switch

    C: Player x kills exactly 15 units
    A: set switch 1

    C:switch 1 is set
    A: crate x unit at location x for player x
    A: clear switch 1

    Ive tried putting a preserver trigger and both the switches and alot of other stuff i don't remember and it either only works once or loops to no end, like the units just keep showing up and won't stop, can someone please help me before i go insane
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2009
  8. marcmad

    marcmad New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    next round:

    How do we change trigger name? (example setting name "allo" unless name "condition:always action: enter closest bunker at anywhere)

    Can I move units?
  9. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    You have to remember their properties. Are you using parts of the terrain that are not traversable or traversable? There is way to do it called "Terrain Blending" but it takes a while to get right. Here is an example:


    Again you need to remember the terrain properties. If the unit is standing on high ground, he will be able to see over high ground. If the unit is on low ground, he cannot see over the high ground.

    In short, No you cannot! But it is possible to use desert doodads on badlands terrain via sprites. In order to use sprites, you must use an advanced editor (I.E. SCMDraft 2.0) for placement.

    This mode is a direct StarEdit-replacement. Often it's quite useful to have just the normal StarEdit placement, but all units and AI-scripts. This mode is the most used one referring to the experiences of testers and users.

    A tool for making complex projects, e.g. RPGs. This mode allows placement of buildings anywhere and gives any unit and building the size of 1 pixel. So you can place them VERY close to each other and make big walls as well as combined defense, e.g. a Photon cannon above a bunker. The Terran add ons are the only exception: They have normal StarEdit size and placement, but can be placed independent like in the Alternative-mode. The critters are also placeable for player 1-8 like in Alternative.

    After reading those descriptions, you will know that Special mode is used for stacking and placing normally unplaceable units because they take 1 pixel. In Base mode, it is just like the regular StarEdit so stacked buildings and misplaced items will give you a placement error. It is normal to encounter that but you should use the Base mode before using Special mode.

    Okay try this trigger out. I do not know which player's units are being killed but let's just use Player 8 (Computer) as an example.

    This makes it so that you can keep killing 15 units and get a Marine everytime! It also insures that you do not get a looping trigger by setting the deaths to 0, no longer meeting the conditions!
    Use the Comment action to rename triggers.

    You can move units using an advanced editor. Just highlight and drag them over to where you want them!
  10. MuRdoK

    MuRdoK Guest

    Hi all!!!
    i am currently making a map in wich kills for every units gives custom scores.
    i have set the triggers up as shown in this thread to make it work but now it seems that if I kill a certain unit the game will update the score for it once or twice then the score wont move at all?
    Any idea what could be wrong...

    the players and triggers are as follow
    Players; 1to5 are forces1 (players)
    6to8 are forces2-3-4 (cpu)

    Leaderboard trigger

    player 1,2,3,4,5 and force1(to have some order in my numerous triggers and find the ones i want fast)
    -show leaderboard for most custom
    display label xp
    -disable use of cpu players in leaderboard calculations
    -comment: Leaderboard (then again just to keep order in my triggers)

    kill points triggers for zerglings (got for other units too but exact same structure)

    player 1,2,3,4,5 and force1 (for order)
    -current player kills and razings score is exactly 25
    -modify score for current player: substract 25 kills and razings
    -modify score for current player: add 10 customs
    -preserve trigger
    -comment: zergling=10pts (then again order in my triggers)

    I also tried the firts method show inthis thread

    Originally Posted by Sample Trigger
    - Player #
    Trigger Conditions:
    - Player # kills exactly 1 Terran Marine.
    Trigger Actions:
    - Modify score for Player #: Add 80 custom.
    - Preserve Trigger.

    as ImaGine said earlier here but still im getting a similar problems with the score not moving or it keeps going up even tho I only killed one unit!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2009
  11. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    Hi MuRdok! Welcome to the forums. The problem with your trigger is the "exactly" part in the condition. Try changing it to at least or at most because you might be killing other units that are offsetting your kills and razings score by X amount of points. Let's say you kill a Marine that gives you 20 points and then you kill a Zergling that gives you 8 points. Your overall kills and razings score would be 28, obviously not 25.

    I would like to suggest a better way to detect unit kills through the use of the Death condition. Though I do have a quick question to help me better understand your map. Are players 1-5 allied or are they enemies? If they are allied and are hostile to players 6-8. Try this trigger out:

    Use it for each and every unit that is hostile by changing the Zerg Zergling factor to whatever unit comes to mind.

    Let me know how it works out for you!
  12. MuRdoK

    MuRdoK Guest

    After trials and error I think I might have found the problem (not the solution tho, so any idea would be greatly appreciated), here goes; if I put in the triggers -preserve trigger, it will constantly give me points (wich i dont want) but if I dont, it gives me the point the 1st time i kill a certain unit then it doesnt work... I've tried using switches instead of preserve trigger, but it doesnt seem to help and if I use both switches and -preserve trigger, Im back with the same problem!!!
    How does this game thinks, its messed up really bad or else I am missing something....


    Thanks alot for the quick and helpfull reply ImaGine!!!

    The problem tho is that every players start unallied and enemies with the 3 cpu.
    at the start they get to decide wich faction theyre gonna join; zerg p6 force2, terran p7 force3 or protoss p8 force4. when they choose a faction to join they ally that faction and the cpu from this faction ally them.
    Your idea seem to be one that could work but, since the players arent allied together it might mean I have to make 5X every triggers for every units in order to have it working for every players.
    At best I could hope that when a player ally a cpu, they ally that force(and the force like the cpu, ally them aswell) so through the force I could reduce to 3X instead of 5X the triggers to put in there. But I have no idea if triggers for a cpu force are gonna take effect for a player that is allied with that cpu(and force) if that player start in a different force?

    Instead i came up with that idea and it seem to work for now tell me what you think about it and if you think you have an idea wich would reduce the triggers number i have to put there, any suggestion will be accepted! Oh and by the way you were right about the exactly part of my trigger, thx for that too, I thought that it was meant to say the amount of that specific unit that needed to be killed to get the specified pts count.

    player 1,2,3,4,5 and force1
    -current player kill at least 1 zerg broodling
    -current player kills and razings score is at least 1
    -modify score for current player: set to 0 kills and razings
    -modify score for current player: add 10 customs
    -preserve trigger
    -comment: broodling=10pts

    I have added the kill condition so i could put a different score for each and every single units since any unit kill would obviously give me at least 1 kills and razings score!!! I will now test it out with multiple different units and see how it goes be back to you with the result!!
    THX alot again!!!

    Not working @_@. The game seems to think no matter what I kill i get 10 pts for it so........ I'm out of idea..... I might aswell use the default value hardcoded in the game and ajust the lvl xp needed and units strenght base on that!!! Unless you can save me!! :p Anyway I'll try figure things out a bit more in details and see if i can do anything at all in the meantime if you have any other suggestion, well they,re all welcomed!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2009
  13. marcmad

    marcmad New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    here i have other question:
    If i want to make comp or player develop a technologie?
    (like example: kill 15 unit=develop Protoss weapon lvl to lvl2)
    (and make comp develop tech by themselves)

    If i want to create think at player location? Like you did imagine in Kaboom with spider mines.
    Talking of Kaboom, I have a question about the droship and the unit in it you drop to get somethink. How does it work?

    And last: if I wanna make each time you kill any building/unit that i get 1 mineral.
  14. MuRdoK

    MuRdoK Guest

    you might have just solved my problem (I think or hope,well both)
    if i cant make the leaderboard work like it is suppose too, well lets use the GAZ!!!!
    But like you I'm not sure how to set up the triggers so it would work cuz so far it give me the same problem
    either go up jnon stop with preserve trigger or go up only once when I get first kill!!!
    False alarm not working either...same problem as before only now with gaz instead!!!! @_@
    After trying alot (and I mean so many different ways) to put my triggers, there is one thing I have noticed: it is not constant, i mean even with the most stable trigger structure i could come up with well the first 5 to 7 kills were giving me the exact amount intended but after that it was starting to give random numbers like double the amount or more!!!! I'm not sure what to do anymore I will try to fing a map with a similar pts system as the one I want to make and open it in staredit (if its not locked) to try and learn how to set up the triggers so its gonna work, if i can deciffer the triggers list of that map im gonna open!!
  15. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    The reason why the trigger is constantly adding points to your score is because the condition was met and has not been changed. The condition I used for the score to be added was that one Terran Marine had to be killed. To remove that condition, you must subtract a kill from the player who had killed the Marine. That way the condition will no longer be met.

    It doesn't matter what kind of unit you put in the conditions to be killed because the Kills and Razings score only tallies total points of any unit killed. Take a look at our Unit Kill Scores thread to help you calculate how much points each unit and building gives when destroyed. I will post sample triggers and elaborate further when I get home -- which is six hours from now.
  16. marcmad

    marcmad New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    well the 1 time i did my trigger it was set to 0. But I think it would be like i had and get a problem.

    Try using an archon kill more than 1 unit at tim it's possible it will only give score for 1 guy.

    "kill2" "add 1 point" "set to 0"
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2009
  17. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    Marcmad, your best bet to get CPUs to develop their own technology is through the use of Campaign or Custom AI scripts. Also to answer your question regarding the Dropship system please refer to the Dropship Spell Cast System that I just recently posted.

    Murdok, I have a method for you once you have referenced the Unit Kill Scores. This requires that you make triggers for each individual unit killed!

    For this example, I will use the Terran Marine once again! According to the Kill Score listing, he is worth 100 points.

    Classic StarCraft Trigger Editor
    It should be noted that when you use this system I highly recommend you insert Hyper Triggers into your map. Also like marcmad mentioned that killing multiple units at once does not give you a lot of points. I suggest that you refrain from the use of any units that cause Splash/Area effect damage.
  18. marcmad

    marcmad New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    I made trigger for all the units even if they get the same amount of minerals each but it seem to don`t work with building. Any way to correct that?

    Player 3 kills at least 1 protoss Nexus
    Player 3 kills score is at least 1

    Modify score for player 3 substract 1200 kils
    Modify ressource for player: add 3 minerals
    Preserve Trigger
    Comment: Nexus score
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2009
  19. Imagine.

    Imagine. New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    You need to change the Kills score to Razings score.
  20. marcmad

    marcmad New Member

    Feb 1, 2009
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    How do we change unit name colors?

    I saw a game wich units had more than 9999 life.
    How can we do that?