I did not play the beta, only watched 480p videos of it. I got my new computer 2 days ago so I checked out a 1080p video, that just fuelled my fire. I went for a midnight release, finished very soon thanks to us going there early (the queue was ****ing huge), caught the night service bus perfectly and was home by 0.40 I think. My drive didn't read the disc. I went ape****. I remembered a similar case, so I downlaoded CloneCD, that could read the disc to create an image file. During the installation I had goosebumps. During the patch download I was stoked and on the verge of having a heart attack. Started playing at 2am. Stopped at 10am because I was physically unable to continue. Woke up at 5pm. What's the schedule for tonight I wonder. I want to father Blizzard babies.
I installed mine last night a bit after midnight. I played until 7 AM. Woke up at 12 PM nearly on the dot. Just beat the campaign now. **** yes this game.
Did you just power through the campaign or try to get everything? (try to answer that without any spoilers)
Turns out I missed one mission, but I think that's because I went with one person as opposed to the other option available.
I don't want to finish the game yet won't even have the chance so... First I want to finish the game in a few days(?) then play through it with all the achievements. Currently I get 1 on average
I just read your post about moving and needing the money with that. That came at the worst time possible... but you never know, you might be better off like this. I know SC2 has completely reduced me to a megageek who does nothing but work and the go home, eat something, then play and do something to keep me from dehydrating. It's insane and I hope the SC2 magic wears off soon. But I don't, really @_@
Ha ha, that's actually my current life, with a bit of concerts and clubs on the weekends. But yeah, school's starting up again soon and I'm going to a different school, and it'd be an hour long drive just to the town, so I'm all.. Yeah. I'll move. EDIT: You might also want to get the mouth frothing looked at. Just sayin
I have an SC2 mousepad and a poster... the cure would only be temporary, so I won't bother. Also, I find Gabriel Tosh to be the definition of epic. It's why I chose him over that... idk, she just reminds me of "talents" from those shows... loved because they look good but haven't really achieved anything. Your move seems logical. I guess 1 hour by public transport is not the same as 1 hour by car but more demanding, so... good luck, especially with keeping away from all the threads :<
Well.....i did not buy SC2 first day release, it was my friend's birthday and we went to Alton Towers. By the time we went back to the city centre, the stores were closed, some stores were closed at 6pm and others at 8pm and we arrived at around 8:15-30. i was really disappointed when i arrived to gamestation and saw the shutters locked down.