Hey there folks! I'm here promoting a contest that's taking place on my YouTube channel! I just started getting into SC2 commentary inspired by the likes of Day[9], tasteless, diggity, HD, and Husky. I will also be having Step-by-Step strategy tutorials for the newer players of SC2 and RTS's in general. Anyway, here is the contest! All are welcome to try to win, and remember its a contest not a giveaway, no luck involved! Force StarCraft 2 Strategy & Discussion Presents... It's FIRST Contest! Prize: StarCraft 2 Wings of Liberty Ultimate Edition How to Win: Get the most references subscribed to my channel - Subscribe to my channel - Reference others to subscribe to my channel - Get them to send me a message with your name so I know you referenced them - The person with the most references by 12:00 midnight (EST) on Friday July 23rd 2010 Wins - Pick up your SC2: Wings of Liberty Ultimate Edition pre-order on July 27th at your local store! Rules: - ALL REFERENCED SUBSCRIBERS MUST HAVE REGISTERED THEIR YOUTUBE ACCOUNTS BEFORE TODAYS DATE (July 5th 2010) (This is to prevent people from spamming YouTube accounts and subscribing in order to try to win, the people you reference have to have created their accounts before 07/05/10.) Note: People who enter in the contest ARE ALLOWED to have a brand new YouTube account. If you don't currently have a YouTube account feel free to create one to enter the contest, but again, everyone you reference must have created their account prior to 07/05/10. - PEOPLE WHO ARE REFERENCED TO MY CHANNEL ARE NOT EXCLUDED FROM WINING THE PRIZE (If you are referenced to my channel you are still eligible to compete for the prize, you just have to reference people yourself) - CONTEST APPLICANTS MUST BE AT LEAST 14 YEARS OF AGE (This is a Teen ESRB rated game, if you aren't 14 years old don't bother.) - THE SUBSCRIBER WHO GETS THE MOST REFERENCED SUBSRIBERS TO MY CHANNEL WINS. THIS IS NOT LUCK or RANDOM CHANCE, IT IS A COMPETITION. - I WILL BE PRE-ORDERING THE SC2 ULTIMATE EDITION AT A RETAILER OF THE WINNERS CHOICE NEAR THIER HOME FOR EASY PICKUP. NO SHIPPING NECESSARY. Good Luck! This is the first in many future contests to come, stay tuned and enjoy my commentary and strategy videos. Take care guys and gals. YouTube Channel Name: ForceSC2 http://www.youtube.com/user/ForceSC2
Give him a break, HDStarcraft did the same thing a loongg time ago on THIS forum, but for nothing. And I think it was HuskyStarcraft that had another contest that had people joining our forum just to spam his youtube acct. People didn't take him them seriously back then, but now they've gone a long way. Besides, I think this contest is a lot less annoying than having people spam forums about their youtube channel.
Atleast he's saying hes promoting it, and it's not some random Chinese shoe selling store. Yaaaa know.
Ok this reeks of spam cause Blizzard have not even announced a Ultimate edition. They will only release standard, collectors and professional editions of the game.