The overmind delivers this message to you I am the overmind, I am immortal i create warp portals i destroy while i chortle you think you can strike me down i shall strike you down to the ground i shall disintegrate your corpse never to be found you may leave my cerebrates mutilated but behold they will be reincarnated That is my covenant, demonstrated Do not try to stop my minions no one asked for your opinions this is my dominion face the reality i bring brutality i bring fatality i bring finality the kind that is not normality even if you use the dark templar energy my forces are like a synergy ready to begin the invasion of aiur Let it rain down fire My desire is to land on ground most holy you cant stop me, You are lowly You will fail ill make your skin grow pale your will is so frail You just got pwned to the bone now make my wrath known
do the abhumans count as mutants? I thought they were wholly different species. I am not fond of abhumans anyway, they don't really seem to fit.
Is warhammer the future of starcraft (based purely on the divinity of mankind of the UED and of the empire) ?
imagine two universes. One is the starcraft universe. It is populated by humans, zerg, Xel'naga and protoss. The other is the warcraft universe, populated by a wild myriad of fantasy species. The two universes are close, just distant enough that they can't see one another, yet close enough to be connected. The warcraft games take place a lot earlier on the comparative timeline, and up to the point in realtime that starcraft 2 takes place parallel to, many species have evolved. In the ultimate war between the horde and the alliance, the horde fell apart internally. The forsaken fled inside undercity, while the blood elves refused to defend anything but quel'thalas. After a devestating defeat by the again-nature empowered night elves and the bombardment of Thunder Bluff by dwarven zeppelins and gnome choppers. And when the Exodar, Botanica, Arcatraz, Mechanar and tempest keep, flown by the draenai, showed up, it was too late to save orgrimmar. The current leader of the horde led his people back towards Kalimdor, where they fled through the dark portal. But that was not enough for them. The horde wanted revenge. Allying themselves with the ogre clans, the sporregar people and Mok'nathal, the horde opened gates back to Azeroth, if only to liberate their ancient allies, Tauren. But at the same time in the other universe, the Xel'Naga attacked the United Earth Directorate, using a weapon that folded space itself to destroy the Earth. And in that single moment, the universes collided. The undead were ripped from their underground bases and melded with the terran marines, becoming the necrons, hiding beneath the surface of a thousand worlds until awakened. The terrifying orcs and the childlike sporregar people melded into the unstoppable ork army. Sha'tar, blood elf and protoss melded into the eldar. The WarHammer fantasy world is simply the remains of the merged Azeroth and Draenor also being seeded with the same merged beings, who had to adopt different sources of power because of the availability of magic. We need a stickied thread for insane theorems.
Now that I think about it, the Twisting Nether IS a lot like the Immaterium/Warp... Source of magic, travel option, full of daemons....
Should an insane starcraft theory thread be made in story and races or in space junk? And would it get a sticky?