fluke wins

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by asdf, Aug 5, 2010.

fluke wins

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by asdf, Aug 5, 2010.

  1. asdf

    asdf New Member

    Jun 21, 2009
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    you know you've had them. wins you got purely out of luck.

    on the 5th game or so of practice league, i was protoss, he was terran. i was expecting reapers, but didn't see any at the beginning, so i just teched up to phoenixes and tried having fun with the graviton beam. while i was killing off his workers, i didn't notice he was killing off mine. lol.

    i rushed back, managed to kill the reapers by warping in a few stalkers... and then i noticed. i actually only had ONE probe left and 20 minerals. wow. just for the hell of it i flew my phoenixes around, avoiding marines and missile turrets, and just harrassed him a bit while i slowly built back my probes... and he GG'd and left the game. lol. i don't think he had any idea of how much damage he did to me.

    the game right after that, i was zerg, opponent was protoss on metalopolis. i teched up to roaches to kill off the rocks to the natural expansion (one-base zerg sucks!), massing up a roach/ling army. i just plopped down a hydra den AND double expanded when i finally got the rocks down, when (surprise surprise) mass void rays comes at me. i had mass roach/ing and a few hydras. lol. he demolishes my main... but pulls back just before killing the hydra den. i only just managed to save it by having an overlord poop creep on it. i end up winning because he didn't expand and i got enough time to pump mass hydras (from hatcheries, no lairs. lol.)
  2. Amberlamps

    Amberlamps New Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    My fluke wins are usually when fluffy chews on the cord of my opponent and bumps him offline.

    Go fluffy!
  3. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    When some newb manages to amass a few dozen Thors and destroy my base, but doesn't know that winning requires the destruction of every enemy structure, so leaves out of boredom.

    Single half-health Missile Turret FTW!
  4. demohunto

    demohunto New Member

    Nov 24, 2007
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    LOL. How bout a command center in the corner of the map with the dude clueless on what to do :D
  5. Hodl pu

    Hodl pu New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    We both attacked each other's bases. I nydus wormed, he ran to my base.
    We both killed each other's base. However, I won because I ran my drones down the nydus canal and built in his mineral line, haha.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2010
  6. snowden0908

    snowden0908 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    fluke wins? ALL of my wins are fluke wins :p
  7. RushSecond

    RushSecond New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    I was playing 2v2 with a friend. Early on we saw a terran opponent making proxy barracks out in front of our bases, and my friend told me to wall and add static defense, and he proceeded to completely wall off with photon cannons. I got a bunker with some mauraders in it. I had about 5 mauraders when the terran attacked with about 10 marines and his zerg ally with 24 zerglings, I couldn't repair the bunker fast enough and I got completely wiped out.

    So I told my friend that he better rush carriers or something crazy. He puts up two stargates and creates void rays, because he thought he didn't have time for carriers. I was like WTF stupid, those will die to mass marines. But still, he flew his rays across the map while he held his front with mass cannons, and managed to destroy the zerg's hatchery, and his attempted expansion. Then he entered the terran's base and attacked the command center. I expected about 20 marines to come easily fend it off. Only 5 marines came to defend. The command center went down, neither of them had enough minerals for a new expo. Terran player suicided his remaining marines into my friend's wall, gg'ed, and left.

    Honestly.... it just shouldn't have worked.
  8. marinefreak

    marinefreak New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    Terran were pushing into my main base and since i screwed up at the start they seemed to just be playing with a really marine heavy army...i burrowed about 5-10 banelings across my ramp and when they walked over...KABLOOIE!

    Then got mutas to harrass his mineral line, got back in the game and eventually ran over him.
  9. Mattata

    Mattata New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Fluke win for me is when he attacks me with a force that would have clearly wiped me out if I had attacked him, however since he attacked me and my defense I overpowered and ended up winning. Basically if I had attacked first I would have lost.
  10. asdf

    asdf New Member

    Jun 21, 2009
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    lol, another one just happened. well, technically i probably would have won anyways, but it was a fluke defense.

    2v2, i was taking out one of the players and earlier i had already reaper-raided and killed about 10 drones or so of the other guy. my main army was just a standard M&M ball, i was clearing out the base when a bunch of mutas hit my base. no big problem, i thought, my M&M ball rushed back... and i realized most of my marines had died at some point, and it was like 20 marauders and 4 marines or so. lol.

    oddly enough i had made a raven earlier just for kicks (i had no idea why, i had enough medivacs i guess so i just built one to be safe) and i plopped down as many auto-turrets as i could while building missile turrets in my expansion. the 4 marines + medivacs + auto-turrets managed to kill the mutas.

    even if i had left them i probably could have won the game (my partner was already nydusing the opponent's base) but i managed to lose only one starport and a few SCVs.
  11. asmith88

    asmith88 New Member

    Aug 10, 2010
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    One time, both of our opponents rushed each others bases. I brought a probe in and threw down a pylon and some photon cannons to help my attack, but inevitably all of our units died and could not rebuild. He had some barracks left with a few marines and I had a probe with a sentry cannon and 1 pylon. The game wouldn't end and neither of us wanted to quit. I minimized the game and went on with my day and came back to see he was still there! He wanted it to bad so I resigned, played a few quick games and upped my rank anyway. :)
  12. LunaticWoda

    LunaticWoda New Member

    Aug 6, 2010
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    My best fluke win.....which is one of my vids... is a guy attacked me with a medivac some rines and rauders.. and the dude stepped back after losing some to lings that he allowed me to breath for a moment and spam 14 lings or so to push him back. I truly felt if he didnt pull back for no reason and popped my hatchery I would of been in deep ****.

    Now the attack was so dangerous mainly because I was just coming out of transition from muta (thats why I had high gas no min left) if he would of just sent in another wave (which he had like 2k min i believe at this point) he could of pressed me hard and won but he just didnt which i am thankful for lol

    goto about 11min 15second area
  13. Benjamin242

    Benjamin242 Guest

    Most of my fluke wins are similar. The other player thinks that you are more powerful just because you are more aggressive than the average player. Its actually a good strategy/mindset in itself because it does work a lot.
  14. Pbk

    Pbk New Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    My fluke win would be a 1v1 protoss vs. protoss.

    We both did exact same strategy, 9/10 rush pylon by enemies base, build more units, build 3 gateways by pylon by enemies base and rush really early into the game.

    Only thing is, he was faster, this was my first time using that strategy.

    Somehow he attacked other buildings first, like an idiot then attacking my main building, so i was able to use that thing to make units faster (for the god of me i can't remember the name of it, brain fart)

    I was able to use the rest of my recources to have 7 zealots and 3 escaped probes vs. his 2 escaped probes and 5 zealots.

    He would of easly won, if he would of destroyed my nexus faster like he should of, but because he didnt like a moron i was able to use that thing from the nexus that builds units faster.