In the new portraits, we had seen Tassadar, the Overmind and unininfested kerrigan. Do you think these characters will return, and if so, how, or do you think that they will be used in a flashback of sorts?
I saw no uninfested Kerrigan. Or were they in that other guys post? Also, "Dark Voice" Is a portrait currently. They could really do some cool flashbacks, I have no idea if that portrait will have anything to do with flashbacks but it would be cool. Another thing, Blizzard shouldn't assume everyone playing Starcraft 2 has played Starcraft 1 and Brood War. So flashbacks would help new players in understanding whats going on and why.
Good point. Maybe the tutorial will take place during some sort of flashback series where you see the old storylines?
That would be extremely cool, but I have already seen part of the tutorial. I don't know if it was for Battlenet or the Campaign though.
flashbacks would be cool. ghost kerrigan's definitely in the one of the cinematics, at least. getting a bit more history of SC out of the story would be nice.
I think its in Wikipedia or somewhere. They say that in the campaign there will be a protoss flash-black mini-campaign...
I wouldn't be surprised to see another overmind. There needs to be plot devices for TvT, PvP, and ZvZ in the campaign somehow, and it's a logical to make zerg fight zerg.