Flash Game Making PLEASE HELP!!!

Discussion in 'Computer Tutorials' started by Trooper_Lozer, Dec 10, 2007.

Flash Game Making PLEASE HELP!!!

Discussion in 'Computer Tutorials' started by Trooper_Lozer, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Trooper_Lozer

    Trooper_Lozer New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    Hey, i am at school very bored in my computers class because i bassicly can do most of the stuff in that class effortlesly. of course i am a freshmen and i still am a noob, but i am a better noob. anyways, my real question is how do i make a flash game? me and a couple of friends have been trying to figure it out for about a week, and we are very happy with our eforts. Mainly i want to make a tile based game, and i have been reading online alot about game making and several tutorials. So if anyone can offer advice, tips, or any other usefull information it would be very much apreaciated. ;D

    I was also hoping that if we do make a game, and it would probably take a while... That i could upload it to this site for the arcade section! That would be really kool in my opninion.

    Game Help:

    Type: Side Scroller Action/Quest
    Multimedia Flash 8.0
    One hero, and two to three enemies per room. Items, and attack option.

    If you have any ideas for the game: item types, animations, hero graphics and enemy
    graphics, etc... please post. Thank you! ^_^
  2. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    I can help with item types or anything else involving game concepts (not storyline or graphic design, thank you) which basically means item types, character descriptions, enemy FAQs, and effects/level layout (not design, i can be like "put an elevator here and a warp cannon here [random idea: shoots you in to a warp-time continuum and you can pop out on the other sides of things, depending on the cannon strength. you die if you reappear inside of a wall or something]) whew. PM me if u want my assistance.
  3. longlivefenix

    longlivefenix New Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    i think that u should use the portal gun in your game
  4. Trooper_Lozer

    Trooper_Lozer New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    ya that would be pretty good! but do u guys know the code?? lol thats so hard to get, ive been reading alot and i got some of it down. problem is i am used to java, not flash. and its not sooo diferent just minor, but still enough to throw me off.