Ok wow...just imagine the possibilities of being able to integrate FPS into a custom map...this might be getting out of about a custom of normal melee that allows guest players to control units in FPS...just think!
This was also kinda possible in wc3. There were some serious delay problems though when playing online, and the engine isnt exactly pretty. It will probably still be quite difficult to make one, depending on whether the in-game physics engine can be tweaked. In wc3 people generally had to make their own simple physics engines.
Well you I don't have to worry! A similar feature was already implemented a while back. Blizz displayed a video of SC2's editor capabilities a few months ago, and there were MANY cool things they did
Yes at tle latest Blizzcon I think ti was they demo'd a top down plane shoot em up (like raiden/Tyrian) made with the standard SC 2 editor. And some other nifty things. So I think making a FPS with the editor would be very possible and I think making a good one is in the realms of possibility too.
I was going to say something like "No durr!" or "Older than the Overmind" but I see that this was posted a long time ago. When will people learn to stop necroposting?
Calm down seriously. As long as we are not digging up things long off the front page or many months old it's not a big issue. I'd rather comment to a week/month old topic then start a new one if the new one is just a replica of the old one.
Oddly enough, he was doing exactly what you mentioned. He WAS "digging up things long off the front page or many months old" but that's not the problem. I do that myself sometimes when it's necessary. The problem was that he spammed old topics. That's slightly annoying and I'm one of many who felt the same way. (And, why do you assume I'm not calm? I'm always calm. In fact, if I was ever not in a calm mood I would not be on the internet.)
The problem is that the questions beeing asked are useless. so this is a kind of spam. I mean why zerg units shouldn't be played in an fps mode? lol maybe those questions are beeing asked by people of younger age, and this is fully understandable by me. Even my post here is a spam. anyway necropost is a litle annoying but we can live with that!
first person melee arena. now that would be hilarious. (beefed-up) firebats vs ultralisks vs dark templar.
To the above poster. People necropost all the time. Not a big deal. Let the moderators deal with it. And enjoy the fun of posting here instead. And a little pic to say how I feel about the above post.
Why have you made it your personal goal to always counter me regarding necroposting? To quote you: "I know how you feel. I just don't care." Seems to me you need to be at a forum like or GameFAQs where useless crap is thrown at you daily to distract you from the wait. Clearly, you spend more time with crap like the above than things that are actually worthwhile. Personally, when I come here, I like to discuss the game's current state and not be bombarded with old news especially when it can make it seem like there's news regarding the progress that gets your hopes up. If a post is relevant and needs to be made, that's fine. But, so far, I have not seen a necrobump post that needed to be made. And, for the sake of this forum, stop bringing up how much you don't care about necroposting. I already know you have no problem with it. I don't need your daily off-topic reminder since you've already given a simlliar post multiple times before. However, I and most of the rest of this board do have a problem with it so your opinion effectively means nothing in a situation like this and I'm quite sure no one cares and would rather you just keep silent instead of spamming. You act like this is some truly great troll post with great fun to be had. It's not. It's simply an old topic that has nothing more that can be said about it brought back to the front page because of some poster who doesn't observe common etiquette. Therefoe, that picture is more relevant to me than it is to you given you've shown extensively how much you do care about what I think. You care enough to let it bother you to the point that you always have to give a response which seems to have a tinge of almost hostility in each one.
That's fair enough. But stop spamming the "I have a problem with necroposting everywhere". Just PM a mod and the mod will have the topic locked. Pretty simple one would think. I know my spamming just like your spamming is wrong. Lets just say we can agree to disagree and let the mods deal with it.
Actually, I was doing a bit of what you suggested I do: I was having fun with this topic. PMing a mod is not fun. Besides, I don't really care to trouble the mods for something as simple as this. If they see it and lock it, fine. I couldn't care less otherwise.