Finally Terrans web page added to SC2 website

Discussion in 'Terran' started by BoydofZINJ, Aug 4, 2007.

Finally Terrans web page added to SC2 website

Discussion in 'Terran' started by BoydofZINJ, Aug 4, 2007.

  1. BoydofZINJ

    BoydofZINJ New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    The Terrans are added. The CC can upgrade, instead of a comsat, to some type of defense cannon? Command centers serve as the focal points for all terran outposts. Originally designed to be roving resource processors for Confederate prospectors. Recent improvements have included the addition of bay facilities to carry a number of SCVs while the command center is in transit. Two of the most popular upgrades with commanders are the surveillance station, which imparts a scanner sweep capability, and the planetary fortress with its increased armor and heavy defensive armament.

    My response: I would imagine nukes are the less popular choice for an add-on?

    The viking transformations look awesome. Builds From: Factory Armament: Twin Gatling Cannon (assault mode)
    MT50 Lanzer Torpedoes (fighter mode)
    Role: Air Combat/Ground Support

    Ghost are snipers and can call down nukes. Trains From: Barracks Armament: 25mm C-10 Canister Rifle Role: Stealth Sniper On the battlefield, ghosts are rightly feared for their preternatural sniping ability with the C-10 canister rifle. An unwieldy weapon in the hands of others, the C-10 is capable of a one-shot kill when used by a ghost. Tactically ghosts’ primary responsibility is to locate enemy structures or units and eradicate them by calling down drop-pods or tactical nuclear weapons.

    My response: I been reading the "sniping" ability is a 150 pt dmg attack not a 1 shot 1 kill pure ability, I would imagine.

    Reapers are criminals. Terrans must be 90% criminals. HA! Trains From: Barracks Armament: P-45 Scythe Gauss Pistols, D-8 Charges Role: Raider. The most hardened terran criminals, taken from the most dangerous and violent prisons become Reapers. For tougher targets, reapers are often equipped with the dangerously unstable deuterium-eight demolition device, or D-8 charges, as they are commonly known.

    My response: I wonder if these will be used more than marines or less?

    The Marines are back, of course, but no word of the Firebat. Trains From: Barracks Armament: 8mm C-14 Impaler Gauss Rifle Role: General-purpose Infantry. In the time of the old Confederacy the vast majority of marines were criminals or rebels who had undergone mandatory neural resocialization. Marines are normally armed with C-14 Impaler gauss rifles that fire 8mm metal "spikes" at hypersonic speeds.

    My response: Many people commented about the blue beams marines had. The theory, I believe, is rail guns travel at such high speed that it causes so much friction in the air that it burns. Even space, near planetoids, there are small trace particiles. For extreme heat, the particles probably turn blue - and not red, I would imagine is the theory behund the blue rail gun trail.
  2. LJYLJ

    LJYLJ New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
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    i said this in many threads and everybody told me "stfu its pewpew lasers"

    son.. :powerup: 8)
  3. BoydofZINJ

    BoydofZINJ New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    STFU its pewpew lasers! HA HA J/K

    Well the problem is, this is a game based on devices not even created yet in a fantasy area that we have not explored. For all we know in the future that blue beam could be the cell phone! However, when we start thinking about it and putting quasi logic, sometimes what we say can make sense. I really believe, now that I read the description, it is the heated particles that are super heated to a blue level - versus the colder red spectrum.
  4. Skylark

    Skylark New Member

    Jul 4, 2007
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    I like the idea of the turret/cannon/gun/whateveritis add-on for the command center. A building that important (and this goes for all three races) really should have some sort of auto-defense.

    However, I'm not entirely crazy about how the "new" ghost looks. Dig the sniper rifle, but I think it looks a little too...bulky...yes, bulky. Call me crazy, but I think ghosts looked better when they were given nothing more than light armor (if any) and a gun. The whole proton pack-looking thing on the back makes him look more like a ghostBUSTER than a ghost. :p

    Still, overall, I like what I see.
  5. b0urne

    b0urne New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    Well, looking at the Viking, the Thor, and yes, the newly designed ghost, I'd say bulky is exactly what they're going for. I completely agree with you, terrans should be the "bulkiest" of all the races but not the slick ghost unit. Also, IMO the viking and thor are TOO bulky for my taste. It seems as if blizzard took 2 blocks and chopped them up, blind...

    ...i know, i'm harsh