_________________________________________________ ... live the fantasy of a hero ... [img width=290 height=85]http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/488/fflyg4.jpg[/img] A SRX PRODUCTIONS [size=1] [QUOTE][color=red][b][[/b][/color][SIZE=10pt][color=#88aed9]SCREENSHOTS[/color][/QUOTE][/size][QUOTE][color=#88aed9][color=red][b]][/b][/color][b] [img width=360 height=268]http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/6821/fflrelmhideoutsl4.jpg[/img] [color=white][size=1]([i][FFL] Relm inside his hideout[/i]) [img width=244 height=174]http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/8636/ffltownot7.jpg[/img] [color=white][size=6pt]([i][FFL] First town near Relm hideout[/i]) [img width=589 height=398]http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/1724/fflnewarenado1.jpg[/img] [color=white][size=6pt]([i][FFL] Battle Arena where you fight![/i]) [img width=330 height=296]http://img463.imageshack.us/img463/9726/fflmaintownva9.jpg[/img] [color=white][size=6pt]([i][FFL] Main Town on this island..![/i]) [/color][/color][/color][/size][/color][/b][/color][/QUOTE][color=#88aed9][b][color=white][size=1][color=white][color=white][color=white] [QUOTE][color=red][b][[/b][/color][SIZE=10pt][color=#88aed9]SIDENOTES[/color][/QUOTE][/color][/color][/color][/size][color=white][color=white][color=white][QUOTE][color=#88aed9][color=red][b]][/b][/color][b] [color=white][i]During the progress of this map heroes/skills/storyline may change depending on how the map goes for me. Terrain may alter from what you see in screen shots with things being deleted and revamped. So don't always expect to see what you see in the thread.[/i][/color] [/b][/color][/QUOTE][color=#88aed9][b] [QUOTE][color=red][b][[/b][/color][size=2][color=#88aed9]HELPERS[/color][/size][color=#88aed9][color=red][b]][/b][/color][b] [size=1][color=gray]NAME: [/color][color=white]ImaGiNe.[/color] [color=gray]NAME: [/color][color=white]Markus[/color][/size][/b][/color][/quote][color=#88aed9][b] _________________________________________________ [center][size=7pt]Map Progress: 4%[/center][/b][/color][/b][/color][/color][/color][/color][/color][/b][/color]
Isn't any weapon changes during the game. I just put weapon for hell of it. Pretty much upgrade and use abilities. NPC will use abilities as well during combat if a hero or something. Still doing a lot of things to the map and editing a lot of things. So things may change during the progress of the map. Not into WC3 much at all, pretty much why I stick to starcraft.
I'm doing all the triggering / terrain / storyline. ImaGiNe. just helping by testing, telling me bugs and errors. Mistakes in text and stuff. Sometimes I miss things like that during the final stages of a map. Like double checking things. =/ I may release a demo when map is like 5% to 10% to show people what map will be like. I hope I do finish this without hitting limits of starcraft like I have before. I'll give you a somewhat of an idea of what battle will be like: Relm runs around on world and a random battle happens depending where Relm is at the time. He'll then enter battle, if NPC are in holding box then your npc will join you in that battle and aid. Even so NPC Aid battles won't be that easy. Relm only does minor melee damage at the time. When Relm casts a skill he'll then be given to another player for few seconds while the skill is active. Then given back, during that time he'll have a somewhat armor added, not much. So he'll still take damage. NPC heroes whom cast the same thing will happen. I'm still thinking about if NPC will level like Relm does. Most likely will. Pretty much how battles will happen.
Everything seems to be going well with your development of this map. I sure hope you continue on with this project. I would personally like to see how NPCs interact in battle, will they be casting healing spells every so often? That would be insanely cool. Looking forward to this map Moogle! It's looking good so far!
Map is coming along pretty well. Well if a NPC dies in combat he/she will only be revived if you rest at an Inn or where ever then will fully restore them. When NPC dies I guess I'm going to add in some sub-text saying HERO - I'm hurt n I'm pulling out. Not like that but I'm sure you get the idea. Healing spell will be added, only thing is its a medic whom heals ya. Only your hero uses items. Still wondering if to add in Revive for Relm =/ I may not. NPC spell casting be done by death counter whom watching a player and sees how long been in battle. I'm saying that Mana = AP, AP = auto refreshes every 4 to 5 seconds. So pretty much you can always use your abilites non-stop well.. not really need to wait for timer on ability to end before you can use it again. See at start of the map you being with Relm and 3 Bandits whom are his friends and travel with you a small bit on island. Still wondering if I'll allow the bandits to revive like heroes do. Thing is when you use a potion it'll heal yourself and all heroes / soldiers under your npc command. Kinda in middle triggering battle setup and double checking that all works. With NPC Hero / Soldiers in battle. Pretty much layed out most of island terrain and locations. Just need add some extra parts in terrain off to right / bottom. Once I've gotten system running I'll give it to ya ImaGiNe to look at and get your feedback on it. I guess that covers somewhat of it =/
[UPDATE] Storyline Added. - - - - - - - - - Well bandits won't be buyable but sounds like a good idea to allow a person to buy some people to help aid him. No way in hell you can micro in that arena too small. Spells won't be overpowered, even some enemies will cast spells to help them. Will be balance out pretty much and I'll most likely make it really hard. But one feature I'm thinking about adding is Evasion feature for Relm, If enemy is in range of him for say 5 seconds or so It'll make him inv for few seconds and count it as evasion. Thing with upgrades you can upgrade damage of spells, but cheaper to upgrade Relm damage then spells. Some spells will be normal units, like one could be a bandit and be a spell. I'm just gonna recycle a lot of stuff. I hope ya eyes don't get disappointed Markus ^_^ trying my best on this map. I'll add you to the helpers list Markus for Ideas and Testing of the map.
If you did read the thread then you would of known that he a Zergling. Not a Marine. Evasion still unsure about just a possible idea for battle.
Lol, I guess images made you skip half the reading. I'm glad you like the story ^_^. Just in middle doing battle triggers / NPC commands, so far its doing ok. Sigh, so much work to do for my map, I forgot to add minerals in victory trigger so can buy things. =S I should have a small playable version of battle system ready soon, once I do have it Ready I'll send yourself a PM and Imagine as well with a link to download the map. So then I can get feedback and see what ya think.