FFA/2v2 Protoss Air build?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Alukard, Apr 26, 2010.

FFA/2v2 Protoss Air build?

  1. Alukard

    Alukard New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Been playing FFA and seen cases where terran goes mass BC and Vikings, In the beggining i always try to go ground, cause otherwise ill be overwhelmed by sheer numbers if i tech up. But when the late mid to late game the huge number of BS just comes in and wipes everything out. So i was wondering what would be a good mixture of unites to take that on? Perhaps Void rays with Phoenixes and stalkers? I havent seen much Void rays but maybe perhaps thats my answear?

    As well as 2v2 after the rush, any hope for a tech that i was going for is gone, so just have to mass up tier 1 units, for the money i have left. But they dont stand much against Mutas and banshies.

    Anyone else have found a comfortable build where they can go against air ? or has similar experience?
  2. Mako

    Mako New Member

    Apr 5, 2010
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    You should be scouting ahead of time to see what they have and rush em. To take on battlecruisers you should get a lot of phoenixes, a few voids, and a mothership.
  3. asdf

    asdf New Member

    Jun 21, 2009
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    depends on your ally. void rays are ridiculously powerful if you have an ally that can cover their weak points (i.e. massed small/light units).
  4. iKnowMyABCs

    iKnowMyABCs New Member

    Apr 3, 2010
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    I would have to say that current Protoss air units are weak sauce. If you have a partner who can back you up with significant airforce, i suggest you go with colossus and zealots.
  5. statikg

    statikg New Member

    Mar 29, 2010
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    I've only seen protoss air successfully employed in twilight fortress - oldschool cloaked carriers, mothership victory style and in various cheese strats - void ray rush - phoenix rush.

    Phoenix - only really work well against zerg because they are strong against mutas and you can lift their queen, any hydras they have, and kill all their overlords, then go start killing the workers. However, if they see you coming they will build a few anti air towers to protect overlords/queen/workers and go mass zerglings and you'll be doomed. Versus terran vikings will rip you up and protoss usually have a big army of blinking stalkers around, and there are not any juicy targets like queens and overlords to kill, not much light armor in the protoss/terran army either.

    Void ray - havn't really seen these effectively employed yet outside of the void ray proxy rush as they are just so expensive and get ripped up by most other air units, maybe somebody can clear this up for me - once the beam gets charged up can it can switch targets quickly and maintain that charge or does it have to start over again.

    Mothership, amazing unit if you can get it to the battle, I havn't actually used it much but I think it might be worth trying to fit this into any protoss strategy even using ground units but I hanv't tried it yet. It's too bad that you need a starport to build the fleet becon because I think it would be great to employ it in conjunction with stalkers and collosi but that would take alot of money just on buildings. Cloaking and stasis 2.0 is just as devastating as ever, really handy that you can build it from the nexus while still building units at your star port. Especially good versus another protoss whom usually depend on ground and don't have much anti air.

    Carrier - still a classic and good unit, but still too expensive and only really good in groups, so the slow build time makes them not that great. As well with the extended range and extra damage to massive units that alot of anti air has, not as good as it once was.
  6. asdf

    asdf New Member

    Jun 21, 2009
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    phoenixes aren't really that strong against mutas. in small numbers, perhaps, but as you increase the numbers mutas win, as they do splash damage while phoenixes are still single-attackers. oddly enough, they seem to be REALLY good at taking out queens with their graviton beam. i wouldn't recommend them against terran unless you see them heavily invested in air, because they have pretty powerful ground-to-air attackers.

    void rays are really useful in base-killing. it's not really the kind of unit you need in your main army unless your opponent has a lot of heavy units (thor, ultra, colossus, etc). they absolutely NEED support against massed, small units (marines and hydras) but if you can sneak them past enemy lines, they will burn through a nexus in no time.

    i haven't seen anyone use the mothership effectively. detection isn't hard to come by late-game, and its attack/abilities just don't seem that useful. recall is OK, but it's slow, and relatively weak for its price, so it's not nearly as effective as the arbiter in SC1. i think its abilities need to be stronger.
  7. superamazing

    superamazing New Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    I've found void rays really viable in PT teams. A couple carriers can cover them in the air and the terran player can support ground.
  8. toochaos

    toochaos New Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    for the 2v2 rush i like to counter with a fast forge and cannons you do have fewer units but if you build gateway ect in front of cannons they have a hard time getting to do much without taking heavy loses themselves. the only problem with this is if you ally techs with no defence, in which case its good game. you do also have to build some cannons on min line about 3 if you go against terran. this is what i use in most 2v2 if not rushing so i can tech up to whatever may be needed + dts cause i love them.