I'm a terrain player fairly new to SC. I just wanna know a few things about zerg. Like first once creep is created is there anyway to eliminate it. I always thought there was creep tumours I could kill, but today my opponent had alot of the map covered in creep & their was no tumours. Can he hide them? How do I eliminate the creep? What bonus' do you get on creep. I think speed, but any attack bonus' Whats good against banlings. Those things just incinerate my MM ball. I know siege will work but only if their sieged up. thanks
Creep tumours in multiplayer are burrowed so you'll need to scan or send a raven over to see them and destroy them. Zerg only gets a speed bonus on creep. Marauders and basically anything not light counter banelings so ya siege tanks also work, even if they don't fire it'll take like 9 to kill one. Hope that helps
actually one more ? Does Zerg get the fog of war lifted on creep? I think the answer is no, but just checking.
Creep can't see anything but creep tumours have a large sight range so if your on creep zerg can see you unless you kill whatever is producing it.
The tumour is a building, so of course the fog of war if lifted in its sight radius. So you actually need to get rid of creep to eliminate the speed bonus and the free scouting. at 3:23 am it's not hard to ninja me
If tumour is a building, do you need to kill it to win the game? If your opponent don't quit earlier that is...
Which leads to interesting and sometimes frustrating situations where you have something limiting your creep tumor's sight range, such as tall grass, so the creep you want to put the next creep tumor on is out of sight in the fog of war.