Fenix & Eon vs. Meee and Kaaraa

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by ijffdrie, Dec 26, 2010.

Fenix & Eon vs. Meee and Kaaraa

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by ijffdrie, Dec 26, 2010.

  1. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    I have no clue why I am making this thread.

    Chapter 2​
    It was a dark and stormy night. The sound of feet striking a puddle was heard, as the last inhabitants sought shelter inside. In a small hut near the southern gate, two young men were trying to light the fireplace.
    'The leaky shed sure was a great idea to store our firewood, no?' The oldest one remarked sarcastically. 'I rate it three stars on the Lancelot-firewood scale'
    'You could just help start the fire, mister snarkypants.' The youngest one replied. 'Besides, it was your idea to stay here in the first place'
    'Well gee, Kaaraa, I guess we should have just stayed at the royal palace then. Great way to stay incognito.' The older brother replied. 'Personally, I prefer a little bad weather over endless hordes of assassins.'
    'Bah, the nobles are just jealous of our success.'
    'I think us being their new supervisors has more to do with it. No more slacking for the kings servants. Now they spend all day trying to kill us. What an improvement! Truly, the greater brothers Meee and Kaaraa have changed this land for the better.
    'I'm starting to think assassins would be preferable over more sarca...'
    Kaaraa suddenly stopped talking and reached for his dagger. 'I hear footsteps outside,' he said, 'I think its them'.
    'What!?' Meee replied as he reached for his staff 'How did they find us here?'
    A voice echo'd throughout the hut. ' That would be my input, little boy.'
    A loud thud was heard, and the door flew out of its hinges. In the now-empty doorway was a bearded man wielding a hammer. 'Time for the hammer to fall.'

    To be continued...
  2. Gforce

    Gforce New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    go on.
  3. Stirlitz

    Stirlitz Member

    Aug 20, 2010
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    Weren't you burned for heresy? /shoo!