I think this is the correct place if I am wrong plz correct me. I am seeking feedback on what to improve on my Command and Conquer fan site. Tell me what you guy's think about it postive or negative is k, but try to stay polite. here it is: www.commandandconquer4u.com
it is the correct place. For anything pg-13. I like the forum colors. The forum stats is nice. Maybe make board group descriptions a bit more clear and/or either give all the games a different category or put em all in one category.
Alright thanks, about your feedback thanks a ton but the stats aren't that great for a 2 month old site the post count sucks. But this is because there is alot of C&c sites already and most don't know about us. I am planning on adding a message to what C&C is and what C&C4U is about to let people who don't know about the game understand the site better. I and my partner are just waiting for a long time now on a guy who is making a custom style for us. regards and thanks!