February 2008 Monthly Report

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by MeisterX, Mar 9, 2008.

February 2008 Monthly Report

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by MeisterX, Mar 9, 2008.

  1. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    New Port Richey, FL
    Here's our discussion report for the month. There is no monthly discussion topic report because the Map Making topic will extend through March. :D Enjoy!


    Monthly Discussion Report
    Platinum Blizzard RTS Fan Site Program

    Month/Year of Report: February 2008
    Fan Site Name: Starcraft 2 forums
    Fan Site URL: http://www.starcraft2forum.org
    Monthly Topic: Map Making in Starcraft II

    Top 5 Feedback Concerns:
    1. Terran Air Power – Our forum’s designated custom discussion topic for this month was the gap in the Terran air lineup. Many users are concerned about the ability of the Viking (despite its abilities that combine the best of the Wraith’s AA and the Goliath’s GTA attacks, as well as its incredible mobility) to sustain the Terran in the air. The Battlecruiser is designed to target large ships, as is the Viking. There is a hole for a unit that would provide air support against smaller and more numerous air units like the Mutalisk. The Protoss have one in the Phoenix. The obvious suggestion is that a unit be created to fill this niche and create a balanced air attack for the Terran race.

    2. Terran Ground Balance – A major topic that was discussed this month (once again) was the overall role of the Seige Tank in the Terran arsenal. Despite tweaks and adjustments to the unit, it can still be considered one of the most effective ground units in the game as it is, and it shouldn’t be changed in any major way. However, one of the race dynamics in StarCraft was that the Terran player was so reliant upon the unit, especially against Protoss players. In Starcraft II, the change of pace and game mechanics demands a change in the reliance and strategies of the Terran player. A popular opinion among our members was that the role of the infantry and the Viking be emphasized on the battlefield in such a way as to offer multiple technology routes to the Terran player that would expand the variability of strategic Terran gameplay.

    3. Terran Jackal – There was instantly enormous approval for this unit, but secondarily there was some concern about its method of attack. Some interesting ideas were suggested and they inevitably return to the origin of the Reaper. Since the Jackal’s attack is line-of-fire, similar to the Lurker’s attack but instant, it is obviously a very effective anti-infantry unit. There is also the possibility of its having an air attack to be considered. A balance suggestion was that the damage done to each successive unit as the attack passes through the unit in front of it was that it decrease (J--M1M2--M3 - -M4- M5 - ) where the attack would affect at maximum five units, the first two receiving full damage, and the other three receiving decreasing amounts of damage. However, in the past it was suggested that the Reaper have a similar line-of-fire attack that when used in large groups of Reapers would effectively create a “field-of-fire†withering to all infantry units. While this is certainly now possible with the Jackal, such a raiding feature would make the Reaper much more effective.

    4. Bunker Abilities – There was very little excitement from users about this new ability in Starcraft II. For the most part users responded with a hail of reasons why it could contribute to balance problems because of the multitude of infantry units and the successive myriad of abilities able to be used from within the bunker. Hypothetically a Ghost could wait inside a bunker and unleash a Nuclear strike at any moment to unwitting enemy troops because it has an additional concealment factor that event a detector will not be able to reveal. It was suggested that either the ability be removed, certain abilities be disabled within the bunker, or detectors be able to reveal what types of units are housed within the bunkers. However, option two was deemed ineffective lore-wise as one ability could not be excluded over another without explanation.

    5. Terran Banshee – With the loss of this unit’s AoE attack against ground units and the myriad of other Terran ground options, this unit has lost its spark. Many members have called for its removal from the build.

    Top 5 Fan Site Questions from your Site:

    1. Will user interface controls be customizable (Instead of B for build with a worker, another key could be selected)?

    2. Will Blizzard be showcasing units not included in the final build of Starcraft II?

    3. Do Terran Battleships and Protoss Carriers currently turn and engage instantly or does such movement require time?

    4. What specific unit combination strategies are tending to appear in gameplay testing of Starcraft II? Do they mirror those of SC1? (M&M, Tank/Vulture, Zealot/Archon, etc..)

    5. Are phase prisms detectors or does that role fall to other Protoss buildings/units?