What if we had an optional feature to allow players to join a match already in progress? For regular (and unranked only) matches I guess it's not really a big deal. It would be kind of nice being able to call in a buddy to come replace your partner that had to leave or got disconnected. I could even see how people might cry foul even if it's only available in unranked custom matches and has to be enabled before the start of the match. But it would have huge ramifications for the map making scene and open up a lot more options for what people could do in the custom map scene with the already insanely cool Galaxy Editor. I guess though it's way to late to make such a suggestion (if the release date is going to hold) unless Blizzard was already going to do it anyways and just didn't tell us.
I t hink it's a good idea, even it's just to observe. Can you do that? Also observers should be able to drop in
I'd love to be able to observe games in progress. But how would you stop people from cheating? I'm not saying everyone would but some people would probably abuse it to help friends.
Observers have their own chat channel like in SC1. Granted someone could be on skype or vent with their buddy... but; like with map hacks of old, people and blizz notice when a player does every correct counter and finds every expo without scouting. If people report them and blizz notices the player in question only seems to be that lucky when they have an observer in game.... ban maybe?
I like the idea really good when it comes to observation. Blizzard should also put up random game settings besides random race. for instance the ability to random 1v1 or 2v2 3v3 etc, and choosing which ones to random from