Fear not, for I have not abandoned you. Fear not, I am still alive. I know there has been much talk and many rumors circulating around bnet as to my sudden disappearance. Well I am here to clear this all up. My computer broke. It has a problem with chronic freezing and I have slaved over it, I have run diagnostics, I have checked everything. I keep working on it daily but it keeps freezing. I am not sure what to do. I have one last ditch effort. It is an epoch campaign I will launch in order to fix the problem. Fear not. If I emerge from my pointless crusade to fix my outdated technology I will be with you in Starcraft. Much love, really ****ing high d0nk3yb0mb
I have an outdated comp which never ****s up?.... A LoT Its so old theres no computer manufacturer brand on it x.x
knowing Donkey's workspace from his pic.. he prob spilt one of the left-over soda cans while shaking the desk after a passionate jerk
rofl cos i cleaned and got a new desk a long time ago (like 5 minutes after post). I stopped drinking soda cos my dentist was like "dood. ma niggah. All that soda is not good, the phosphoric acid eats ur enamil, ma niggah." direct quote. Anyway. I took everything apart and cleaned everything and dusted everything. Then when I was using my arcticlean on the cpu to clean the old thermal **** off. umm.... well lets just say the cpu doesnt work anymore. I found the problem though. The cpu. Oh well. Now... Buy a new pentium 4 cpu or just start building a new rig? Anyway. Computers non operational until I get a new cpu so yeah.. I will still be out. edit: tinkles its not a virus because i already tried reformatting and installing a clean version of windows xp sp3
Ew Artic coolers are such a waste of money. and they are way to big. besides alot of them dont rest properly on the CPU which can be hard to tell if you dont pay attention. default fans imo ftw.
umm i bought two little bottles at milwaukee pc (local pc store chain) for 50 bux. anyway... yeah. I sold my motherboard to a chinaman today. someone wants to buy my case and my power supply for 70 bux. so yeah. I am well on my way to making my new computer. By the way its gonna be a quad core amd phenom 64 processor and like the motherboard I want is 150 and the cpu is 150 and the case i want is 80 and the ram is 100 bux for two 2gig sticks. so 500 bux and ill have my basic computer, the mobo has an onboard videocard geforce8800 i think. yeah.... So yeah. **** it. i still cant get a job. tinkles has ruined me/ come play with me on socom 2... same username.
wow baller paying 80 bucks for a case... nice if it comes with 8800 GT... you talk to meth at all recently? he raged on me other day rofl.