Hey guys, Got an art assignment due next Tuesday, obviously I've done the practical part and developed my concept behind it and everything, but I'm having trouble finding some artists to reference as 'inspiration'. I've never really liked having to pick artists to use as inspiration 'cause I've always preferred to just do my own stuff, especially seeing as most modern stuff is all about portraying negative emotions, but seeing as we had to have a couple, I've decided to such artists as an inspiration to do the opposite, that is, to make a body of work that portrays more positive emotions. The problem is, not liking or being familiar with such artists or artwork, I don't know any that I could reference. Long story short, if anyone knows of any artists that toy with negative emotions, like pain, depression or discomfort, etc, and that preferably include the human figure, although it's not compulsory, if you could let me know or post them here, I'd really appreciate it. Cheers.
It's gotta be visual arts. Things like drawings, paintings, prints, photography, sculptures, etc. Music and sound can be a part of it, but it would have to have been produced as a visual artwork. It's frustrating, I remember seeing a few ideal artists in some art videos at school, as well as at the Archibald Prize and Art Express, but can't remember any names.
hmmm I wish JBL was still here, he was the pwnage when it came to art and this sort of stuff...anyone have his SN, or is he still active or what?
you might try the guy who made teh models for the failed clones in alien ressurection, i forgot his name
oh i just remembered in a lecture I had about cultural studies, there were a lot of performance artists in the 60s and 70s that did some F'ED UP S to themselves....like cutting themselves, stabbing, masturbating under the floorboards of the exhibit for a week while constantly talking about random BS for the whole time An easy place to start searching would be for Orlan, the woman who got all this plastic surgery and did it in a very public way in order to contest modern notions of female beauty. She is probably one of the most famous modern performance artists, and maybe if you look her up you can find other performance artists that dealt with pain EDIT: Marina Abramović is one that dealt with pain...she played the game with a knife where you stab the gaps between your fingers on a table and other such stuff...read the wikipedia article, it's like the first act, called Rhythm 10. Rhythm 0 is pretty messed up too EDIT2: Look up The Lips of Thomas by her too. This is an article on her recreation of the original performance in the 70s http://www.hotreview.org/articles/marinaabram.htm
Cheers for the artists. I don't actually have to do a whole speech on them or anything, I've just got to mention some as an inspiration for my own artwork. The whole presentation should only last five minutes or so. So thanks for your help, but just letting you know I don't have to go into that level of detail.
oh ok. well, at least they are good for a scare when you are home alone with all the lights off and are bored of Doom
if only you did music itza...then i could help u alot!! xD Mozart!!! Bethoven!! Debussy!! Thiakovski!! oh man...best artists...EVER!!! XD ahem..anywayz.... hope you do good in your assignment...i was gna choose visual arts for yr 11 and 12..but i was too scared, cuz i cant draw for crap... >.>"