Fan Site Q&A #4 - SC: Legacy: The fourth batch from the Fan Site Q&A series has been released. This time Starcraft: Legacy's questions were answered. Link: Enjoy! Seradin
It was an good, but not excellent, set of answers. I thought the Q&A's were supposed to come out on Wednesdays?
i do not believe a exact date was set for there releases.. and yes.. some of the questions and answers both seemed rather lackluster to me.. cant wait till ours
ouch, sorry but I found this Q & A to be very dismal, only thing that I found interesting is that they are not considering adding multiple models for any other units right now(kinda expected that, but wanted to know anyway), the Thor is now confirmed that it can be transported by the medivac so people can stop complaining about that(I was pretty sure that this was going to happen), and Mules cant repair. to me Blizzard seemed to tried to take the easiest way out by answering what we already know or giving us an answer that doesnt solve the question(like #9, shame on you Blizzard).
Question 5. Laaaaaame. Thors suck now. I demand they remove the name of the greatest Pagan deity from such a failure unit.
Isn't SCL the site recently reborn? Looks very nice with marvellous artworks. The questions were mediocre but I liked the SCV patrol one. Now every Terran player will repair instead of just spam new units, so we'll see more drilling
im amazed by the sites artwork, especially that protoss at the front page. screw the questions LOL!!!
I read the questions on another site before and yeah pretty average questions. No real thought went into them. Then I went into their site for something and WOW!. Those graphics are amazing. I say kill the site, outsource their artists to Blizzard and everyone will be happy
Some good questions and some pretty lame. Nice to know that the AI will be significantly better then the SC AI.