Every word is correct- about the Zealot- read this!!!

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by merkavam4, Oct 20, 2007.

Every word is correct- about the Zealot- read this!!!

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by merkavam4, Oct 20, 2007.

  1. merkavam4

    merkavam4 New Member

    Sep 17, 2007
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  2. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    I like his new movement....I don't think of a ballerina, I think of those Chinese/Japanese warriors....You know, the ones that run exactly like that.

    Plus, I prefer a nice slice'n'dice to a stab'n'jab
  3. Patuljak

    Patuljak New Member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    I don't think he runs like a ballerina, I think it fits in with the character of the protoss - they look highly trained when moving and I'm all for it. I also don't agree about the dying animation and voice of the original. The animation was like a dignified way of passing away - not getting defeated and broken but more of becoming one with the Khala. And the dying voice really sounded like an ancient, scarred alien dying. In SC2 it looks lame - a clumsy animation of the zealot lifting up and some stupid blue light coming out of his chest to vanish into a star at the end. The original had a more honourable and ferocious animation, like burning away because of too much feriocity. And here's where I agree with him. The more I read it, the more it's becoming clear that they lost all the fury and hatred they once had. I was fine with the new zealot, but now that I've read that post I think Blizzard should definetly redo his attack animation and sounds, he just isn't dangerous enough. I know that we are an ungrateful bunch of feedbackers and that we complain about every little bit, but it became clear to me that something needs to be done.

    Just as a sidenote, I like the new tone of the skin even if it isn't as original as it was before (I can't decide if I like the fake egyptian beards or not) and I agree with him that the new voice and phrases for the zealot are awful and also need to be changed. There's a particural one that totally pisses me off, something about the zealot being a sword of truth - he says it in such a pathetic way, not to mention that the whole phrase is dumb.
    Oh, and as you all probably know but just to be sure, he's wrong about the hair thing - they are nevral chords or something through which they share their psychological link. I have no idea why zealots in SC1 don't have them.
  4. Ace_Bear

    Ace_Bear New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    This made me stop reading it. The most elite warriors of a race/country are the most popular types of people you would see on a Homeworld? I don't see everyone in full Army gear walking outside even though they are the first line of troops. The guy makes generalizations about too many things after this to make me want to follow this. I mean he honestly thinks the new Zeal run(the run where they have their right arm cocked back to KILL YOU with a right hook of doom) is ballerina-like. He is the reason I think parents should watch their kids and limit their posting rights.
  5. DeathRot

    DeathRot New Member

    Jun 23, 2007
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    i dont think every single word is correct i like the way the zealot is now i hate it when people have to complaint every single bit of a unit of their flawed IT CANT BE PERFECT this and that sick of it just becouse of 1 person complaint doesnt mean everyone have to agree on it it seem that merkavam4 have some unhappyness with the current protoss from most of his tread and topic

    and about the hair of the zealot sorry man in sc1 it arleady had its long hair like so the different just the movment and the position of the pisblade and arms and sorry i cant agree with that person topic every single word i find some is absolutly ridiculous and just change the voice and the movment and the position of the psi blade everything is fine so that whiners fanboys will stop their nonesense something has to be change couse it is obvious but something just abit of flawed abit can be change
    without much noise make. i dont like to go bnet sc2 forum couse too much of trolling post and topic, but some topic and post is worth the while to read about
  6. Anubis_theDark

    Anubis_theDark New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    The new movement animation is verry verry cool, and makes the zealots seem more of a melee warrieur not a damn cyborg like it was in the first SC. The attack animation would require some changes though. It looks more like he is useing his fist instead of the psy blades. The new skin color is verry cool. For god's sake in the first SC he was so yellow it lookes like he had problems with his liver. And the hair - that guy need to learn more about SC lore. THAT IS NOT HAIR ... THOSE ARE NEVRAL CHORDS. All protoss have those things ( except DT's ) and they use them to interconect through their psionic abilites. If the zealots look like the predator then the zerglings look like an alien, and the medic is Sigourney Weaver reloaded. So from that entire post that is supposed to destroy the new zealot, the only thing that is in a way true is about the attack animations. The rest is crap.
    They all complain is not like in SC1. Well what the hell do you guys want ...3D SC1 or a sequel to it?!?. A SC2 is supposed to be changed. Why the hell would we wait for 10 damn years for the same game in new graphics.
  7. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Cool, i have not seen the new Zealot running animation...But coolio anyway
  8. BnechbReaker

    BnechbReaker New Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    how come you've not seem running zealots, they are in many videos.

  9. Lipton

    Lipton New Member

    Oct 24, 2007
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    agree... I think the guy is overdoing it with the zealot hate, I think they are cool :) Also thats not hair, but wires that connect them to the psi whatever...
  10. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    zealots in sc2 > zealots in sc1. period
  11. TerranGod

    TerranGod New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    the scv out runs the zealots (if they don't use charge) by far
  12. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    The new Zealot is just plain awesome. There is no other word for it. Just awesome.
    Ok, so, this is my response to black_whisperer's post on the BattleNet forum:

    Unit Protrait:
    First off, from black_whisperer's description, I don't think that I have seen the new Zealot's portrait. I thought it was the portrait that linked to the Protoss section on the official StarCraft2 website's homepage, but this does not match his description. Can anyone post a picture of it or post a link to where it can be found? Long story short about the portrait is that I don't think that I have seen the portrait that he is referring to, so I cannot comment on it.
    With his comments on the voice-aid thing that Zealots used in StarCraft1, he said that it gave the player the ability to communicate with the Protoss. However, I would actually prefer it if the Protoss were not given any type of voice-aid, or even a mouth, yet communicated by projecting what they wanted to say directly into the mind of who they are talking to, through telepathy. This would be better than them communicating audibly, through speaking, because it would prove to the player that they truly a very psychically developed race, that is now able to project their thoughts directly into the recipients mind as though they were talking to them normally, the only difference being that they don't have a mouth.
    On the topic of the Protoss' skin, I felt that he was really just trying to find the most insignificant things to complain about. Not only do not all the Protoss have blue skin (the portrait on the official StarCraft2 website has a pale maroon-y skin color) but it does not make them look aquatic, and definitely does not make them look like Night Elves. I do not know what he is going on about when he says that the Exiled Protoss (Dark Templar) have blue skin, because they still had the same color skin as the Zealots and Templar. His arguments on Artanis being the only Protoss unit that has smooth skin is just plain stupid. If a Terran unit had a mustache, it doesn't mean that all Terran units should have mustaches, and if also doesn't mean that all Terran units should not have mustaches. It just means that some of the Terran will have mustaches, and some won't. It is the same with the Protoss' skin. And, again, the portrait from the StarCraft2 website does not have smooth skin, so not all units in StarCraft2 will have smooth skin. His demands for Blizzard to fix it, combined with his 'refusal' to say please just make me disrespect him even more. He isn't even trying to give constructive feedback, and is only trying to command Blizzard to do what he wants.
    With the eyes, (again the portrait from the StarCraft2 website has glowing eyes) it is definitely not the defining feature of Protoss, so it doesn't matter if it has been changed.
    With the hair, I love the new Zealot's hair! It makes them appear much more unique than the bald Zealots of StarCraft1. To me, the hair gives another dimension to the Zealot. Now that I think about it, it is probably the fact that, because it was only the Protoss heroes in StarCraft1 had hair, which makes them seem so much more powerful now. Protoss are supposed to be a team that has few units, but the units that they do have are extremely powerful. Adding this hero-like hair to the most basic Protoss unit makes them look like a truly elite squad of venerable units. The relation of the Zealot looking like a one of the Predators, from the movie 'Predator', is only because both of them have the same hair. Other than the hair, (except for the fact that they are both bipedal) there is no other striking similarity between them.
    I cannot comment on the 'winking' and 'flirting' in the Zealot's portrait, because I haven't seen the one that he is referring to yet. Can someone please try and send me a picture of it?
    When he said that 'Protoss Zealots exemplify the unbridled ferocity of the Protoss at war' I could not even attempt to bring myself to agree. To me, even though the Protoss are extremely well trained and skilled fighters, they are neither blood thirsty nor ferocious or hostile. To me, they are a relatively (note that I say 'relatively') peaceful race, that only turn to to war as a last resort. That's not to say that they are afraid of going to war, but that they are willing to try to negotiate before waging war. I feel that this attitude of the Protoss was expressed especially well when Tassadar tried to spare the lives of as many Terran civilians before purging the whole world to try and eradicate the Zerg threat. Even though Aldaris was a particularly hostile Protoss character, I do not believe that his views reflected that of the Protoss. I believe that most Protoss warriors do actually have feelings of compassion, but if the enemy or opposing faction refuses to negotiate or form a treaty, that they would act swiftly to being down this hostile force. However this would not be a reason to have the Zealot portraits 'winking' and 'flirting' with the player. The Protoss are still a proud race, and would look down upon any individual that would not take what the Protoss stand for seriously.
    The new graphics is StarCraft2 definitely do not look cartoon-y. Games like Worms2 and Team Fortress 2 are cartoon-y. StarCraft2 definitely isn't.

    Sound clips:
    The new Zealots sound clip does not actually appear to be that different from the original Zealot. It still have the same tone, and pitch as it did in StarCraft1. One thing I noticed here was that he does not know an awful lot about what the Zealots say. He quoted some of what the Zealots say, and immediately I saw that he got a few wrong. "I lie for Auir" is obviously 'My life for Aiur' so he got 1/2 the words wrong and mispelt Aiur (however this can be a common mistake) and "Hara guide me" is obviously 'Honor guide me". For someone who appears to have such an encyclopedic knowledge of Protoss and their Lore, he makes many mistakes.

    Movement and Attack Animation:
    The Zealots movement definitely, definitely, DEFINITELY does not look like that of a Ballerina. First off, it is because they are such an organized and structured army, that they do not just run as fast as they can and as though they are 'pissed off at the grass'. The Protoss' running animation looks very ordered an uniform, which is what I would expect from a Zealot. The way they run, with their arm crossing back in front of them, shows that they are ready for battle as soon as they stop running. They already have their weapons ready. However if they were to just run full pelt at the enemy, they would have to stop, and ready themselves before engaging the enemy. Zealots would definitely not stomp, for the would be concerned about preserving their energy for the fight that is about to take place.
    The Zealots main objective was not: Kill. They were trained warriors that would not just charge into the midst of enemy forces flailing their weapons madly. They would fight with skill and grace, which would reflect upon what they have learnt in training. No Zealot that was just a hot-head would be able to last for long in the Protoss' army.
    Despite stabbing being a very effective way of attacking, Zealots should not limit themselves to this technique. There are many instances where it is much more efficient to slash, rather than stab. Again, I want to point out taht this person obviously does no know his facts. He said "And, would anyone on this planet, even consider using a handblade and only jabbing and stabbing the enemy like that? No. No one would, maybe only once in a combination of various other combat moves, but not only stabbing and jabbing with handblades." which is just plain wrong. Roman soldiers were always taught to stab instead of slash. The reason was, that you only need to penetrate about 1 inch into the chest, before you will hit major, internal organs. Another reason the Romans were taught to stab was because when you raise up your arm to slash, it reveals a major weak spot, being the unarmored area under the arm. Slashing could also accidentally hit your own troops, and took a lot longer to recover from than stabbing did. So, you are wrong, black_whisperer, because warriors on this planet were in fact taught to stab, and it doesn't make the Protoss seem more alien.

    Thanks to all those who read my post, and I apologize to those who found it too long or tedious. My main point is that the StarCraft2 Zealot represents the Protoss perfectly and should not be changed, especially just because of some guy who can't even get his facts right.
  13. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Ooooh, so the people means that one...i thought the people seen the brand new running animation since they were all saying 'COOL! awesome! it looks cool' :p but i see now, thanks for the info and yes the new animation for the Zealost looks awesome
  14. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    New animation looks better, but I still say the original animation didn't make them look like they were ballarenas
  15. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Is anyone able to post the image or video of the Zealot's unit portrait?
  16. Patuljak

    Patuljak New Member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    The portrait he was reffering to is one of the two portraits shown in the protoss gameplay video. The one which is supposed to be the zealot's is the one which DOESN'T have all the golden stuff on his head.