A freaking lot! That's what. According to The Wall Street Journal, the game costs more than Gran Turismo and Killzone 2's development costs COMBINED! More info here. I'm pretty sure a big chunk of it has been spent on the engine which will be reused for many years like that of WoW's. Also, hi! Newbie here.
ooh interesting. Blizz doesn't really reuse engines though. perhaps they sell it some other companies?
its blizzard they have enough money and followers to start their own country if they wanted too. I hardly believe that they're going to lose any money that wont be repaid in the first the week game is out.
I really hope that they don't remove the micro aspect from the game as in being able to select multiple buildings and queue buildings etc. Warcraft 3 never made it big because it was not able to play on a real professional level, but I doubt Blizzard will make that mistake with Starcraft 2.
You might be justiifed in saying the engine cost a lot of money for a game like Crysis or whatever but StarCraft 2 is not only very basic graphically but it did not develop any new rendering techniques which is what costs the money. If the technique or technology has alreayd been developed then it's massively cheaper. No, that money went into more important things and that's why Blizzard = Bestest
Seems like a lot, but I would imagine most of the cost is for bnet, which is going to support more than just SC2. I can't find the link, but there was an article about the the infrastructure and sheer number of people required to support WoW posted a while ago, it was pretty insane though.
Apparently, the $100 million dollar budget was for WoW. WSJ posted it in their corrections. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703467304575383443343071562.html?mod=googlenews_wsj