Hi everyone! I'm organising a small SC2 tournament for European players! The tournament will be open for 16 players, each round will be a best of three and the finals will be a best of 5. If you wish to participate please reply on this post (mentioning your SC2 name and which race you are playing; Terran, Protoss, Zerg or Random), first come first serve! Please make sure you have read the rules before registering! Yes, I have applied for a SC2 Tournament license. Rules (copied from the HD and Husky Tournament ) 1) All games MUST be played on the European server. - 2) Round of 16 and Round of 8 games may be played whenever most convenient for both players, but games must be played WITHIN the allotted time period for each round. EX: january 21st - january 27th (11:59pm) for the Round of 16 - 3) You are expected to be reachable for a reasonable amount of time during each play period. If you cannot be reached for an extended period of time and do not show up to your games YOU WILL BE REPLACED OR FORFEIT YOUR MATCH. - 4) Chat is allowed in game. However, any excessive abuse and/or spam in game will be taken very seriously. - 5) Disconnects are an automatic loss for that player. If a game is so one sided that it was obvious who was going to win, a judgment call will be made. Our decision is FINAL and players agree to these terms by accepting their invite. - 6) All games are played regardless of patches. Winning player will be expected to email me the replays by the end of the round period. - 7) Matchups (round 16) will be based on the league you are in at this very moment. Maps: Game 1- Map chosen by both players Game 2&3 - Losing player from game 1 picks next map. Losing player of game 2 picks final map (if applicable). The tournament will start on January 15th. For this first tournament there will be no prizes.
ah nice i might consider joining it ^^ im only 14 years old so if theres a prise pool with money involved i dont think i can get that...
If you are under age you have to have a written permission from your parents that you are allowed to play (ridiculous I know, just stating the rules) There won't be any money involved. I will reward the winner with a SC2 goodie. EDIT: so far 4 people have registered.
I might register, but since i'm not very good i'll wait a week or so to give better players a chance.
I'd also be interrested but this period happens upon exam time for me and i'll be unable to play, but perhaps on another such event in the future I'll be able to... Nice to have someone organise such a tourney though
Sorry Rewaq, the tournament is full. If you wish I can add you to the reserve list (on which you will be no1).