there are a crapload of new members. like seriously, wow. also, welcome all you members that i didnt welcome. also also, imma try participating moar in tehz foruams. sry my inner nerd got the better of me.
It's funny looking at the chart for the traffic ranking of this website. It looks totally normal until last Tuesday, then WOOOSH! Spikes upward like crazy! Kinda funny. And yeah, I guess that means lots of newbies to own! And er. Educate.
Dahn noobehs. I remembah a day when tha haahest numbah of visitahs was around fahve hunned or so. Just lookit it now. *waves cane*
I remember when i visited the chat and drie were the only one there. I dont remember when you could actually buy anything from the shop, since i wasn´t there