as most of you know, i am making a virtual series, i was wondering, how to create really epic scenes, and i decided it would be a fun activity for on the forum, just tell every epic scene in either movies or television you come along here. the most epic part of my young childhood was a part of the first digimon season, i know what you are all thinking, but seeing it again really gives me the buzz 8:27-8:48 short but epic
starwars phantom menace was very epic to me since my anticipation for a new starwars movie on that time was very overwhelming (the pod race, jedi duel, droids gungans war, space battle, darth maul). but my face starwars movie is episode 3. as well all lotr films is epic to me specially the battle at minas tirith. anime, movies, etc... well theres to many to tell.
the new starwars films sucked too much to be epic. I can't even sit through them after having watched them each once. anyways, this is pretty epic: and this
All the battles in a movie called Ran (Great show, cheesy blood, but awesome) Ichigo's Ban Kai In Cloverfield when the Army comes up and starts GtAing the monster