So I was messing around with Stacraft today and discovered that a group of 48 Scouts is surprisingly effective. What are some funny things you guys do when you are bored and just play around?
I turn on "the gathering" and send over an Arbiter into the enemy base, then just mess around with his abilities. Stasis Cell is fun. Oops, recall.
if your gonna use that cheat, then you should use a HT and make many many many copies of units. You should also use a DA, and mind control all of the enemy units as they are made.
When I just go messing around, I first let as much CPU's as possible conquer the entire map, then I use the money cheat a couple of times and defeat them all with the lowest tier units. It's quite fun to send wave after wave of Zerglings at a heavily fortified protoss base and only a few coming through. After a match like that I often have build 2000+ units. By the way, it's also fun to mind control a zerg drone, make some defilers and then mind control and consume every unit the enemy makes. I could go on giving examples forever, the possibilities are endless... Starcraft is officially the best time-waster when you have absolutely nothing to do and don't want to play a real match.
Put on Infinite Mana, then go in with Invincible Cheat on and storm the shit out of anything, let them grow first...