eNclave.SC2 is recruiting 4 members

Discussion in 'Clan Related Talk' started by rahhh, Jan 31, 2011.

eNclave.SC2 is recruiting 4 members

Discussion in 'Clan Related Talk' started by rahhh, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. rahhh

    rahhh New Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    clan eNclave is branching out into games such as LoL and SC2.
    an inquiries about joining ethier of the clans branches dont hesitate in contacting myself.
    Rahhhlol SC2
    Rahhhlol LoL
    pwner3 Css

    background info of the clan: eNclave is a professional gaming clan we currently war and compete in tournaments in Black ops and Css as said above we are now branching out.

    the aim for the SC2 clan is 2 3v3 groups that will play and compete in all online tournaments and clanwars.

    Skill level is silver or above required and must be on at least 3 to 4 times during the week and at least sunday on the weekend for games. dont fret if you think you arnt good enough you will be given a fair trial we arnt looking for the best simply the most keen and dedicated players who wish to learn and compete.

    a few key requirments also include vent and a working mic/headset not speakers. can rock up to times required to game as to not let teammates down and if cant will make an effort to inform thier team leader or the clan leader.

    Thankyou and thankyou to robin johnsson much appreciated
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2011
  2. Robin Johnsson

    Robin Johnsson New Member

    Jul 22, 2010
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    A piece of advice for you in the future....Add the info to the clan like....What player skill are you looking for? Like high diamond, master e.t.c..How many players is it in the clan? Are you active alot? Are you going to enter tournaments? Clanwars? E.t.c..Cya