Effective Strategies?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Aparition, Aug 28, 2010.

Effective Strategies?

  1. Aparition

    Aparition New Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    I'm a bronze level player. So was on a really bad losing streak and I decided to re-do my approach. So I've really been trying to play these early pushes hoping to end the games I have some replays, that I hope you can help me with.

    This first is a replay that I played on Blistering Sands was a Mass Marine . I noticed when i lost games before that I took too long to move out and too long actually building my production buildings. So I just simplified everything rather than trying all the fancy strategies I see in replays I thought "Let me just macro up and see if I can keep producing marines while keeping my gas relatively low.", and got 6 or 7 rax's with reactors and threw down mass marines and pushed as soon as I could tell he wasn't ready.


    The second game I decided to do what protoss players do to me, which is a proxy gateways. I'm not sure however if it was this early harass (which pretty much failed) that won me the match or not. But I think I definitely benefitted from the short map distance. I put my 7 raxs down quickly. My opponent tried to quick tech to colossi. he did get one out, but he just didn't have enough units out.


    Please any advice would be very helpful. I've just barely learned how to keep my build orders going so i need to know if I should work on efficiency in these builds.
  2. toochaos

    toochaos New Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    currently I can't watch the replays but based on what you said you are producing something that is not sustainable with no future techavailable therefore it is an all in move which if defended against you will lose.considering one guy got out a collusus I would imagine this is a later than rush all in push.
  3. Aparition

    Aparition New Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    Well thats the thing, In the second game. I built my first rax outside the enemy base, and pushed with my first two marines, then i kept producing with a reactor. and meanwhile I was building more rax's in my main and when the proxy force got eliminated I had a sizeable marine marauder mix, and they had +1 weapons i think.

    The first game was a later than rush all in push. With mass marines, and I expanded and just kept pumping out reinforcements. My opponent was teching up so he didn't have anything to defend. I just kept throwing money at him and he couldn't sustain.