Lol just noticed these threads I guess I decided to introduce myself on the general forums anyways sick forum ill be stickin around for a while you might know me as Pimpin_Pencil from War3. Yes I was quite young when I thought up the name and it felt fitting considering I was in school and was having more fun than I should have. Anyways the only map I ever created was a variation of the Jungle Survivor map and it was Desert survival. Much more epic than the jungle one but sadly it never went big cause I lost my hosting abilities for some reason.
Hello there! Don't worry you're far from late, we've had people introducing themselves with postcounts in hundreds
I'm a forum elder and I never made an intro thread. So don't worry about it. Hallo Bass. Jeg heter darkone. (my name is) Hvordan går det? (how are you) Hyggelig å møte deg. (nice to meet you) Where are you from? coughyourgrammarsuckscough
Thats quite the insult, my grammar is actually quite superior to most but I do not find the need to express that in a Starcraft forum or any other thing related to the internet. (I also don't type that well.) Anyways my name is Jake I am from Toronto, Canada and I am great thanks for asking.
It's just your lack of commas, I read pretty fast, and without them things can get confusing. My real name is Roman.
coughcommasarenotpartofgrammarcough Welcome to the forum, enjoy your stay. I hope the "no need to show that" thing changes, although I don't see any problem with your second post.
i show you grammar!!!! HEyz tHARE BUSS!!! WEkomeTOtehuhhfoumsz...n stuiffff!!! oowhopszz, i spuelt ur numewrongzzz hurhruhruhruhrurhur