I probably just need to play around with the program some more, but does anyone know what I need to do to that 7 vs 1 computer zerg map, so we can let a computer teammate in when we don't have 7 people?
okay...ummm... im confused... so 7 of you vs 1 zerg comp? and you want to have computer teammate if you dont have 7 people? oh and this should be in the maps and replays section anyways.... in LAN, you could always set it to top vs. bottom and set it to 7 vs 1 then add computer allies and/or enemies but if you want to mess around with the editor and make the map yourself, then ill look into it
I already re-saved it so it can be played on BW too. While on the subject of map editting, does anyone know why there seems to be an issue mining gas in certain spots on " fastest possible map ever " Are the geysers too close to the center or just too close to each other?
The geysers are impossible to access by drones, probes, scvs, etc. because the geysers stacked on top block it's normal movement path. There is something like a 10 pixel window on either side of the geyser that makes it sometimes possible for the unit to build the gas mining facility, but I am unsure. Also, this should be moved to maps and replays forum...
Yeah I tried moving the geysers 10 more clicks away from the center for each player, and that seems to have helped a lot. What about the 7 vs 1? I just moved the thread. I wasn't aware we could move our own threads
You would have to make a whole new map, change the player settings for one of the humans to computer, and at the start of the game do this trigger: Code: Players: X Conditions: Always(); Actions: RunAiScriptAt(RACE Campaign Area Town,PX); X represents the player number of the computer player, and RACE represents the chosen race for the computer player. There is a way to make it run the correct script based on the computers race (allowing you to set it's race to random) but that would be more difficult. If you have any questions regarding triggering in the editor, post away... I love helping with map-making !
yea, but how to add computer allies when the room doesnt get filled? i mean, he could have a friend and five computer allies vs 1 comp zerg right? im still fiddling on how to set computer allies though i dont think its possible
You would have to do it through the editor, then save it as a different map, If he wants it to maintain the customized 7v1 setup. Any other way, and you lose the UMS setup.
yea, coz when i set up computer teams, i usually just go to LAN and setup from there so i guess hell just have to design the map w/ no additional suffs/triggers
It's weird. I moved the geysers, but it's almost like the green box that shows where you can build is still center over the original location
You didn't move them according to the building squares, you moved them freely, probably pixel by pixel. I think that the geysers must be placed on the normal 32x32 grid in order to have the overlay be correct.
So, do I just need to move them over some more until they line up on the next grid or move them some other way? Also do you think just moving them over is enough or should they be spaced out a little too?
Is there a way to make it so I can select whether I want human or computer players when I create the game and still set the amount of minerals and gas to start off with?
You would need to preset the amount of human and CPU players using the Force option. It is possible to start the game with X amount of minerals and vespene gas. Try doing this: You would put that trigger in the All Players execution box.
Yeah I got my triggers right, but dang it I was hoping there was a way without setting a set amount of human and CPU players. I guess I won't worry about it then