Duplicate installment

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by Bball20, Jul 28, 2010.

Duplicate installment

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by Bball20, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. Bball20

    Bball20 Guest

    Hello everyone. i just bought SC2 last night and im sort of a newb so i think i accidently downloaded the game twice unto my drive. Let me explain:

    Once i finsihed my installment through the CD, I went to battlenet.com to finish my registration so that i can compete online. However, i had assumed that the option to download a game client on the bottom right, after completing my registration, was something necessary. Once the download was complete (client version), I quickly realized my mistake.

    So basically, I have 20 GB worth of SC2 data on my PC now, and i would like to delete the game client I had downloaded from battlenet.com, since it is not necessary for me to have due to the fact that I own the CD version. Is my interpretation of this situation correct? or was I suppose to have both the cd and client version downloaded in order to run the game correctly? if not, can someone please guide me to the location to delete the client version of my game. I tried to look for it within "add/remove programs" section, but only my CD installment existed within that list. Thank you.
  2. id60618711

    id60618711 Guest

    You don't actually have two installation's of Starcraft2. You have Starcraft2 installed through the CD, the client that you downloaded from battle.net was never installed, so just go into your download folder and delete that.