Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by rAInMo9, Aug 26, 2008.


Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by rAInMo9, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. rAInMo9

    rAInMo9 Guest

    Hey all, this topic is about something that MAY have a big impact on Starcraft 2...So basically, the games that I have been looking forward to buying for PC include Spore, Starcraft 2, and Diablo 3...Now after reading the discussions about Spore on Amazon (look here: http://www.amazon.com/Spore-Mac/dp/..._1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1219796024&sr=8-1), I am a bit concerned about possible DRM/SecuROM incarnations on SC2/Diablo 3...I really hope that Blizzard is not so foolish as to implement this craziness on their games...The most recent game I have bought is CoD4, and before that WCIII: Frozen Throne, so I am not really up-to-date on DRM in games...Looks like a lot of new games, like Mass Effect on PC, have this...This is very disturbing, as I am a bit of a computer enthusiast and do hardware changes or tweaks fairly often...Just read the discussions in the link I gave you guys and you'll see what I mean. Jeez I hate how the music industry and now the game industry is getting obsessed with DRM nonsense...I mean, they were making big bucks before it...All DRM does is annoy legitimate customers, seeing as the pirated versions will probably not have all these silly restrictions.
  2. Its a Blizzard game with battle.net I'm sure people will buy the game just for a CD Key. If Blizzard uses one of these I'd say it would be pretty unncessary. All DRMs are broken and once that is gone all you have is your fanbase and how they feel about the DRM you are forcing on them ..

    Look at Bioshock.

    Also, I'm talking about the more extreme DRMs such as StarForce. I once bought a game (The Suffering) and could not play because of this DRM. So, I used some No CD/DVD hacks to get around it.. Then a few months later I bought an external drive.. And guess what.. StarForce didn't detect any drives and just booted up the game without any No CDs/DVDs ..

    So. Like I said.. All DRMs are, given enough time, easy to get through so once that is done all you have is your loyal fanbase and how they feel about your DRM.
  3. I wouldn't worry about Blizzard doing this for SC2 or Diablo III. They have nothing to gain from it and they're probably the only pc dev left that doesn't have to worry about their games selling millions without a second thought lol. They don't need to worry about losing money due to pirating (I think they're set for life at this point) and due to the fact that you can't get use Battle.net if you don't have a valid cd key, theres no need to worry.
  4. Jissé

    Jissé New Member

    May 27, 2008
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    They will not use the DRM technology.

    Because DRM = Microsoft = PC Only
    They are developing / developed their own display technology, in order to not have to deal with the Direct X features, and therefore to miss the Macintosh users audience, so it wouldn't make any sense at all if they would choose the DRM tech to protect the game.

    Battle.net itself is already somehow a security gateway, and as I think Blizzard don't care much about solo only users (never connecting to B.net), DRM is actually no use for them.

    Starforce nearly killed the licenses it was supposed to protect.
    I am against massive and mindless piracy, ie hacking and playing 2 hours and then throwing away every piece of game that you heard about, in addition or burning so much piles of CD that you could build your own house with, but those abusive so-called security software, this is just bull****: I have 2 music CDs I bought last year I can't listen because the security is so high that the CD are nearly unreadable. I then had to download (again) the tunes. gg editors, norethx.

    I can hardly say who is the most mindless and useless, between the abusive pirate and the abusive editor.
  5. CyberPitz

    CyberPitz New Member

    Apr 16, 2008
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    Blizzard has a good way of making their own security for these things, but the CDKey is the biggest thing, as without it...you can only play the single player so often. Look at Starcraft, it didn't have anything fancy, but it is STILL selling to this day.
  6. xthony

    xthony Guest

    So true.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2008
  7. cidvcron15

    cidvcron15 Guest

    i played starcraft since its release day... its the first game i ever played on a PC! i loved it! played the red alert franchise and fallout too...

    im a casual player and i rarely play online...

    now, to cut to the chase...
    so far... this annoying DRM/securom thing! destroyed my motivation to buy FALLOUT3 AND REDALERT 3.... hopefully this thing wont come to starcraft 2! my beloved game of all time! im fine with the trilogy but please no DRMS :( or any kind of security that rootkits on it!!! AND I HOPE YOU GUYS ARE RIGHT ABOUT BLIZZARD NOT USING THIS DRM
  8. LanceLeader

    LanceLeader New Member

    May 29, 2008
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    As long as there are no online-activations meaning I can play the game out of the box without any internet connection necessary. Then I'll be happy.
  9. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Oh I agree. SC was great for offline as well as online play.
    I will say this. SC sold millions. And don't fix what isn't broke. Just do the same for SC 2 and they'll sell millions more.
  10. visom

    visom New Member

    Sep 17, 2008
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    Wings of Liberty, definitely millions.
    Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void which comes after it, I bet that it's sales number will be considerably lower.