Does anyone know the trigger/switch for a "starter" ? Like i have everything on a 2 min count down to start.. But a person brings a Civ to the start location to start the next wave. Any ideas? Aswell as a trigger that adds 1 civ to where ever every 10 kills? But i would like a leaderboard showing. cause its a defence map. /Wish for Imagine
For the starter, try a trigger like this: That will be your starter trigger. Whenever you bring a unit to Location 1, it should reset the unit that starts the games to the original location (Location 2 in this case) while setting a switch for your level conditions. Now for your levels, your trigger should look something like this: You will need to make separate triggers for every 10 kills (there is most likely another way but I cannot think right now... too early in the morning... ) but for the leaderboard, you can use this trigger:
Allrighty cool thank you! ill use this trigger and let ya know whats happening, and early in the morning? Oo where are ya EDIT: K i dont know how this would work.. if i preserve trigger it will do the same way for my units.. For ever.. or do i have to set switch 2 and set switch 3 each lvl? but if i do that wont all switches go off at once?
Whoops! Those are triggers to teach you the concept of a "Start" trigger. You could have it so that every time the switch is set, you can add 1 mineral. For every mineral accumulated, a new level can start.
Ohhhh okay that works and yeah i think i got this lvl starting shiz to work! when im done the lvls tonight come on SC and ill show ya EDIT: also how do i disable SCVS to make certain types of buildings.
Okay! Open up your map and then click on Player then settings. When you are in the properties window, click on the Units tab and select the buildings you don't want to be made and uncheck the checkbox.
ok i unchecked them all.. tested the map and my SCVS still have the options.. but the buildings is juss to neat and tidy up the building Que is it really nessesarry, will ppl care that they can build stuff like that? U can only make Mins in my map.. should i make them 9999 mins and 1 gas?
Weird! It should have disabled your buildings from being selected and built in-game. Did you uncheck just the default settings check box? Do not uncheck the Use defaults for Player # and then press OK.