Download maps?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by LZ1, Oct 4, 2010.

Download maps?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by LZ1, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. LZ1

    LZ1 Guest

    This may have been posted before, but couldn't find it.

    When i try to make a custom game in sc2, i get the whole map list, but i cannot download!
    when I press the download button i get a message saying "there was a problem downloading this content, please try again later"

    The only problem is that the internet connection is as good as perfect, and one who is sitting next to me is able to download the maps.
    We are on the same network.

    I run a windows 7 pc.
  2. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    How is the network setup? Do you both share a router? If so, what is the make and model of the router? Also, what are you using for a virus scanner? If nothing then download and install Microsoft Security Essentials, its free and works better then any other freeware virus scanner.

    Could also try running chkdsk to see if you have any file system errors that are preventing the files from downloading. To run chkdsk:
    1. Run CMD as administrator (follow instructions)

    2. Once CMD is open as an admin, type "chkdsk c:" and let it run. If errors are reported, run "chkdsk c: /f" and when it can't force 'all open handlers' closed, keep pressing 'y' until it presents you the option of running on boot. Once you know chkdsk will run on boot, restart the computer.
  3. LZ1

    LZ1 Guest

    Don't know the setup of the network, we are on a PC-LAN, but we are on same switch, so should not be a differense.

    We downloaded from, so should be without viruses, but checked with avg and found nothing.

    We ran a chkdsk on the disk and found a few errors, but they where fixed automaticly. no change in game =/

    This is really annoying! Just 1 day left of the LAN and we have not played a single match yet! :p
  4. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    You must tell me what the make and model of the router are? If you are all on a switch, something needs to be giving you all IP addresses (switches are router are way different). Do you have internet access on all machines?
  5. LZ1

    LZ1 Guest

    I don't have access to this, i'm not crew :p
    But we all have internet, No one is different from the other.
  6. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Well, I can't help ya with that hardware then. Post a dxdiag and I will take a look and see if its anything driver related.

    To run dxdiag=> Windows_logo_key+r, dxdiag. If you have 64-bit windows, click the button at the button that says "Run 64-bit DxDiag," Then save all the data by clicking "Save All Information..." zip/rar the text file and attach it to the post. Instructions on how to zip here. To create a rar file, first download and install winRAR then read this guide here.