Hi I saw that SC2 is available for pre-order at 49$ (lets assume that is the final price). Do I need to buy the game and then buy battle.net subscription to play the game or paying that 49$ is the cost of game and battle.net subscription? Thanks.
There is no Battle.net subscription whatsoever required. You buy the game and you can immediately play it online, on battle.net, free of charge. There probably will be additional battle.net features in the future which will require payment, eg. premium maps. However, at all times you will be able to play SC2 for free.
No charge for playing online. But I wouldn't pre-order the game at this time. They're just sucking your money (which IMO should be illegal).
I'm tired of ranting about why not to preorder games. Thank you Jon for doing it quickly and elegantly. I can't imagine Blizz charging for something like maps. For one thing, the map editor could be used to clone any premium maps. Second, Blizz is willing to sell people vanity pets in WoW, but those don't affect game play what so ever. Although, because of the wow pets; I fully expect to see decals that can be purchased.
keep your money in the bank. you get interest. or better yet, put it in a 3-month GIC. pre-ordering does not guarantee you get a copy of the game. even camping outside the store overnight doesn't guarantee you the game. it also does not guarantee you get the game for the best price.
Yeah man don't pre-order. It's a scam to get your money. I had to learn that the hard way, well actually I still haven't cause I just pre-ordered Halo Reach lol. Just hold onto your money and wait for the game to come out.
Well unless you find a store that does not charge anything to pre-order. I pre-ordered starcraft but the store I did the preorder with told me I don't pay them a cent till the game comes in. So even if they burn me I'm not out of pocket.
I pre-ordered SC2 from gamestop millions of years ago, but I do know the manager of said store personally. I'm moving away now though, and I forgot to cancel the pre-order. So Imma have to transfer it, or when I come back up to visit Imma have to cancel it. It was only 5 bucks though, for the minimum pre-order. Just so I could get a spot.