The direct links in your signature or in a thread are forbidden, if you want to link someone to you item, you can provide a link to the trade center. If you see someone with such a link, pm me or any other global moderators about it, if the link is in a post, you can report it with the "report to mod" button. Thank you very much. Edit: If after you recieve a warning you don't edit your link, there will be a severe mineral penality.
it's easier for the people who wants to buy, because he doesn't need to browse through the whole trade center to find the item. however some people like to click things and might buy them accidentally, in that case you'll have to do a refund and that causes trouble. but i think if the price for the selling item is high then the risk of accidental buy is much lower as most people keep minerals in the bank and don't have enough cash to buy even if the unintentionally clicked it
Yes this comes after I put a direct link in my Sig to buy a mug for 800 and someone clicked it then spammed my mailbox and my sales thread complaining about it. He was even nice enough to power me down after I gave him the refund
... reluctantly. Others had direct links in their sigs as well so this thread if for everyone out there. I'm glad it's banned.
we are talking about putting links in your signatures that when you click will automatically buy the item advertised instead of linking only to the trade center.
I wasn't reluctant about anything. I was trying to keep him busy while I did some other more important stuff while he was busy spamming me with PMs