i would like to start with saying that grandadmiral thrawn, from the star wars novels, is one of my favorite fictional characters,mainly cause of his ingenious intelligence, and his unexplained unquestionable loyalty( is till believe that he only served teh empire cause he believed it was the best hope against the dangers from the unknown territories. i thought his death was one of the coolest("it is just like art") and was really excited when i heard of his clone on wiki( i never read that book, cause there werent any copies in holland), but when i read how the clone died, i realized something; i doubt thrawn only made one clone of himself, especially concidering that he was prepared to clone the biggest danger to his rule(joruus c'boath) dozens of times. what is your opinion i will be adding a poll
I never liked starwars much (I didn't see it as a kid). Lucas uses the hero cycle in the first film which is nice yet sort of cliche. Other than that, the only cool or really original concept (IMO) is the use of swords in a futuristic setting. I'm glad the last few movies were received poorly and less than half of Americans read at least 1 book a year. Get this trite out of pop-culture so someone can do a better job of a space epic without so many fan boys crawling out to complain.