I am soo excited for starcraft 2. I am literally sitting besides my phone waiting for gamestop to call with blasting tecnho music. Can someone tell if gamestop called you regarding your gamestop starcraft 2 preorder? and if they did can you tell me when? and your time zome or the state you are in so i know the time differnce. thank you in adnvance. And if they didnt, can you post as soon as they call?? thank you in advnce
i got a call, which was just a call to let me know theya re having the midnight launch, the same thing i was told when i asked them about it. they will open at 12pm at all locations i believe, and release your copy, if you dont have your receipt you can give your email or name in which you ordered it and they can search it up. thats about it, the mall or door wont open until 12am.
I got a text saying it was there, and a call saying to be there by 10pm to remit payment (already done of course). -Sean