So, I will pick a random word from this dictionary in my lap and I want you to use it in a sentence. However I will not tell you what the word means... Until later anyways. Ok number 1: pisspot.
Now you will all feel like fools when i tell you what it means. I'll copy it straight from my dictionary. pisspot n. Aust. colloq. drunkard; alchoholic. Me using this in a sentence... *talks to friend and points at the guy passed out* "What a pisspot" Number 2: wily
and in Hyperion. We finally have somone on the inside. Sadly the inside seems to have corrupted her because now she won't tell us what that inside is like. === Billy decided to go wily nily one day; we haven't seen him since.
Ok... wily /wuy-lee/ adj. (-ier, -iest) crafty, cunning. Just so you all know that is what it is, not willy. Number 3: yogi