Hey I'm an avid Zerg player currently in Platinum 1v1, Diamond 2v2, and Diamond 3v3 just looking for some buddies to play with. I am living with my girlfriend and she works all day (Totally taking my time finding a job shh) So I have a lot of free time on my hands to play SC and watch Ghostbusters. Just looking for some people to add to my friends list wether it be to chat, play custom games (I love TD's) or league games. I have ventrillo and a mic just hit me up if you're bored. Can get my name and friend ID from my sig!
Feel free to add me man, though I'm mostly on in the evenings only because I have to WORK LIKE NON-SLACKER PEOPLE! I have Fridays off though so I'm on a lot then. Always looking for good 2v2 partners and a 1v1 sparring person. MeisterX 995
Haha what are these non-slacker people you speak of?! Lol sounds good man.. Definitely added! :] need moar frenz.!
You had me up until ghostbusters. Wtf?! /jk, feel free to 'frenz' me. Although I also mostly play late evenings to get myself to sleep after work (gaming is like my cup of warm milk, lol).
Lol woah woah Ghostbusters is an absolutely fantabulous movie okay?! Hey Khayman whats your ID so I can add you?
Prawn 189 I'm a gold level zerg, but I've held my own against diamond players friend me up, whoever wants to.