Diablo3 Skill Trees and Stats.

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by ItzaHexGor, Oct 11, 2008.

Diablo3 Skill Trees and Stats.

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by ItzaHexGor, Oct 11, 2008.

  1. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Wizard's Skill Tree:

    Storm Talents

    Tier I
    Charged Bolt​

    Rank 0/1
    Launch a volley of 3 electric bolts that deal 1-8 lightning damage each. Critical hits from lightning damage stun targets for 2 seconds.
    Mana Cost: 8​

    Talent Modifiers


    Rank 0/15
    Increases the critical hit chance of all lightning spells by 10%. Critical hits from lightning damage stun targets for 2 seconds.​

    Empowered Magic​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases the effect of Willpower on your spell damage by 30%.​

    Lightning Speed​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases the casting speed by 3%.​

    Tier II (5 Storm Skill Points Required)
    Storm Armour​

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 15
    Surround yourself in electrical energy. Electric bolts are automatically fired at all attackers for 1 to 8 damage.​

    Frost Nova​

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 25
    Cooldown: 12 seconds
    An explosion of ice pelts nearby enemies for 1-3 cold damage. Has an additional 25% chance of a critical hit. Critical hits from cold damage freeze targets.​

    Talent Modifiers
    Deep Freeze​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases the critical hit chance of all cold spells by 5%. Critical hits from cold damage freeze targets.​

    Power Armour​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases the damage dealt by your Storm Armour charged bolts by 10%.​

    Static Charge​

    Rank 0/15
    Converts 5% of all damage taken into mana.​

    Tier III (10 Storm Skill Points Required)

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 8
    Lightning arcs from the Wizard's fingertips towards enemies, electrocuting them for 4-5 damage. Electrocute affects up to 2 targets. Critical hits from lightning damages stun targets for 2 seconds.​

    Ray of Frost​

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 16 per second.
    Project a beam of cold energy that deals 6 cold damage per second. Critical hits from cold damage freeze targets.​

    Talent Modifiers
    Lethal Energy​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases the chance to score critical hits with melee and spell attacks by 5%.​

    Improved Charged Bolt​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases the number of bolts released by your Charged Bolt spell by 1.​

    Static Charge​

    Rank 0/15
    Converts 5% of all damage taken into mana.​

    Tier IV (15 Storm Skill Points Required)

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 70
    Call down shards of ice to pelt an area dealing 6-10 cold damage per second for 3 seconds. Critical hits from cold damage freeze targets.​

    Talent Modifiers
    Storm Power​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases damage of all lightning and ice spells. --Not Yet Implemented--​

    Epic Storms​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases the size of Blizzard and number of twisters you can have for your energy twister. --Not Yet Implemented--​

    Shattering Ice​

    Rank 0/15
    Frozen targets take 2 additional damage from all attacks while frozen. --Not Yet Implemented--​
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2008
  2. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Arcane Talents

    Tier I
    Magic Missile​

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 8
    Fire 1 missile(s) of energy at your enemies causing 7-13 arcane damage to them. Critical hits from arcane damage silence targets for 4 seconds.​

    Talent Modifiers
    Arcane Power​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases all arcane damage by 30%.​

    Efficient Magics​

    Rank 0/15
    Lowers the mana cost of all spells by 3%.​

    Penetrating Spells​

    Rank 0/15
    Reduces the resistance of your targets to your spells by 8%.​

    Tier II (5 Arcane Skill Points Required)

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 12 per second
    Eminate a beam of pure energy dealing 10 arcane damage per second. Damage is modified to 80% each time the beam passes through a target. Critical hits from arcane damage silence targets for 4 seconds.​

    Wave of Force​

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 25
    Project a wave of force outwards, repelling enemies and projectiles and dealing 1-8 damage.​

    Talent Modifiers
    Arcane Armour​

    Rank 0/15
    While your Storm Armour, Stone Skin or Temporal Armour spells are active, your armour is increased by 20%.​

    Arcane Weakness​

    Rank 0/15
    Enemies damage by your arcane spells are affected with Arcane Weakness, increasing damage taken by 10% for 5 seconds.​

    Arcane Speed​

    Rank 0/15
    Reduces the cooldown of all Arcane spells by 9%.​

    Tier III (10 Arcane Skill Points Required)
    Arcane Orb​

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 18
    An orb of pure energy explodes on contact dealing 12-16 arcane damage to all enemies in the blast area. Critical hits from arcane damage silences targets for 4 seconds.​

    Slow Time​

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 20
    Warp space and time, slowing nearby monsters and projectiles.
    Enemy attack cooldown increase: 1 second(s)​

    Talent Modifiers
    Arcane Distortion​

    Rank 0/15
    Enemies damaged by your arcane spells are slowed by 35% for 3 seconds.​

    Mana Recovery​

    Rank 0/15
    Enemies have a 7% chance of drop a mana globe that will return 25% of maximum mana when picked up.​

    Improved Magic Missile​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases the number of missiles launched by your Magic Missile spell by 1 and increases their damage by 8%.​

    Tier IV (15 Arcane Skill Points Required)
    Temporal Armour​

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: Unknown
    Surrounds the wizard in a protective shell that stops all damage from an attack every 6 seconds. The shell dissipates after absorbing 12 attacks. --Not Yet Implemented--​


    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 23
    Teleport to the selected location up to 40 feet away.​

    Talent Modifiers
    Greater Mana​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases the maximum mana by 12%.​

    Mana Burst​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases the damage of any spell cast from full mana by 25%. --Not Yet Implemented--​

    Runic Might​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases the effect of all runes. --Not Yet Implemented--​
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2008
  3. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Conjure Talents

    Tier I
    Spectral Blade​

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 7
    Summons a spectral blade that strikes each enemy in front of the Wizard 3 times causing 1-5 physical damage with each hit.​

    Talent Modifiers
    Spell Speed​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases the speed of your Magic Missile projectiles by 8%​

    Damage Resistant​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases armour by 5% and all resistances by 4%.​

    Weapon Mastery​

    Rank 0/15
    Increase physical damage done by all weapons by 15%.​

    Tier II (5 Conjure Skill Points Required)
    Stone Skin​

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 12
    Shield yourself with rock and stone, absorbing 30 damage. Lasts 8 seconds.
    Cooldown: 15 seconds.​

    Mirror Image​

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 18
    Create an illusionary duplicate of yourself that lasts for 8 seconds.​

    Talent Modifiers
    Conjured Armour​

    Rank 0/15
    Magical armour surrounds the wizard, increasing block chance by 2%.​

    Conjured Health​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases total health by 8% and the health of your conjured images by 12%.​

    Tier III (10 Conjure Skill Points Required)
    Meteor Storm​

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 12 per second
    Meteorites pelt the targeted region dealing 10 to 20 damage per second.​

    Acid Cloud​

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 15
    Drop a deluge of acid on the targeted area. Deals an initial 1-4 poison damage followed by 4-8 poison damage per second to enemies who remain in the area.​

    Talent Modifiers
    Conjured Power​

    Rank 0/15
    Increased damage done by spells by 1% for every 10 points of vitality.​

    Conjuring Duration​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases the duration of your Stone Skin and Acid cloud spells by 1 second and the duration of your mirror image images by 2 seconds.​

    Improved Spectral Blade​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases the damage of Spectral Blade by 14%.​

    Tier IV (15 Conjure Skill Points Required)

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: Unknown
    Creates a multi-headed beast that attacks your enemies with bolts of fire.​

    Magic Weapon​

    Rank 0/1
    Mana Cost: 10
    Imbue your weapon with magical energy granting it increased damage.​

    Talent Modifiers
    Magical Impact​

    Rank 0/15
    Increases damage of all spells by 15% of your weapon damage.​

    Slowing Strikes​

    Rank 0/15
    Enemies damaged by your melee attacks, Spectral Blade or Magic Weapon have their movement speed reduced by 30% and their attack speed reduced by 20% for 4 seconds.​

    Armour Piercing​

    Rank 0/15
    Conjured and physical damage decreases the armour of armoured enemies.​
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2008
  4. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Barbarian's Skill Trees:


    Tier I

    Active Skill
    Rune Sockets: 1
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: Bash the enemy for 100% of weapon damage.
    Fury Cost: 3​


    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 0/15
    Description: Increases the damage of critical hits and added hits. Can stack up to three times.
    Rank 1: Increases critical hit damage by 3% and increases the damage of added hits by 5% for 15 seconds.
    Fury cost: None ​

    Damage Increase Skill​

    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Increases damage of all Juggernaut skills.
    Rank 1: Damage is increased by 10%.
    Rank 2: Damage is increased by 20.
    Rank 2: Damage is increased by 30%.
    Fury cost: None. ​

    Damage Reduction
    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 0/15
    Description: Whenever the Barbarian is below 50% health, all damage is reduced by X%.
    Rank 1: Damage is reduced by 21%.
    Rank 2: Damage is reduced by 34%.
    Fury cost: None.​

    Tier II(5 Juggernaut Skill Points required)

    Active Skill
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: The Barbarian swings at multiple targets, dealing 130% of weapon damage at up to 2 targets.
    Fury cost: None ​

    Ground Stomp​

    Active Skill
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: Stomp the ground, knocking back and stunning all nearby enemies for X second.
    Rank 1: Knocks back and stuns enemies for 3 seconds. 5 second cool down.
    Fury cost: None​

    Focused Strength
    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 0/15
    Description: Increases the effect of strength on your physical damage.
    Rank 1: +10% to the effect of strength on damage.
    Fury cost: None​

    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 0/15
    Description: Resist all slowing effects by 27%.
    Fury cost: None​

    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 0/15
    Description: Increases the amount of health gained from health globes by 12%
    Fury cost: None ​

    Tier III (10 Juggernaut Skill Points required)

    Active Skill
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: Smash the ground dealing 100% weapon damage to nearby enemies. You gain 2% of your maximum health for each enemy hit. Revenge has a % chance to be usable when hit by an enemy.
    Rank 1: 10% chance, deals 100% damage and returns 2% of maximum health for each enemy hit.
    Fury cost: None​


    Active Skill
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: Taunt monsters to attack you at close range.
    Fury cost: None​

    Stunning Blows
    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Grants all Juggernaut skills a 3% chance to stun attackers for 2 seconds.
    Fury cost: None​

    Two-Handed Weapon Specialization
    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 0/15
    Description: Increases physical damage dealt with two-handed weapons by X%.
    Rank 1: Increases damage 12%
    Fury cost: None​

    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Picking up a health globe increases strength by 15% for 10 seconds.
    Fury cost: None
    A boost to strength every time the Barbarian heals, or just picks up a health globe (if he’s already at full strength). It’s unknown if more points will raise the strength increase, the duration, or both.​

    Tier IV (15 Juggernaut Skill Points required)

    Seismic Slam
    Shock waves travel forward.Active Skill
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: Slam the ground causing a wave of destructive fire death. 100% of your weapon damage in front of the Barbarian.
    Fury cost: None​

    Iron Will
    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Provides resistance to stun, slow, and freeze attacks.
    Not yet implemented.
    Fury cost: None ​

    Crushing Blows
    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Increase the damage of Bash and Cleave..
    Not yet implemented.
    Fury cost: None​

    Seismic Effect
    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Increases the damage of Revenge and Seismic Slam.
    Not yet implemented.
    Fury cost: None​

    Tier V

    No information yet, however we know that they exist from BlizzCon 2008.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2008
  5. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Tier 1 Skills


    Active Skill
    Rune Sockets: 1
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: When attacking with Frenzy, the Barbarian’s weapon damage and attack speed are increased. Frenzy can be used repeatedly, stacking the speed bonus up to three times.
    Rank 1: Deals 120% weapon damage. In addition, attack speed is increased by 6% for 10 seconds. (Up to 18%, with stacking.)
    Fury Cost: None​

    Bad Temper
    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Reduces Fury degeneration by 3%.
    Fury Cost: None ​

    Power of the Berserker
    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Increases damage of all Berserker skills by X%.
    Rank 2: Increases damage of all Berserker skills by 25%.
    Rank 3: Increases damage of all Berserker skills by 30%.
    Fury Cost: None​

    Heightened Senses
    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Grants the Barbarian an inherent change to dodge attacks.
    Rank 1: 4% chance to dodge.
    Rank 2: 8% chance to dodge.
    Rank 3: 12% chance to dodge.
    Fury Cost: None​

    Tier II (5 Berserker Skill Points required)

    Terrifying Shout​

    Active Skill
    Rune Sockets: 1
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: Shout with great intensity, enhancing damage done by weapons increased 30% for 12 seconds.
    Fury Cost: None​


    Active Skill
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: Increases attack speed by X%. Drains Fury while in use. Lasts for X seconds.
    Fury Cost: None​

    Double Strike​

    Passive Skill
    Rune Sockets: 1
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: Grants a dual wielding Barbarian the chance to strike nearby enemies with both weapons.
    Rank 1: Gives a 6% chance of striking with both weapons.
    Rank 2: Gives a 7% chance of striking with both weapons.
    Fury Cost: None​

    Strong Constitution​

    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Enables health regeneration.
    Rank 1: Regenerates 10 health per second.
    Fury Cost: None​

    Berserker State​

    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Increases the duration of Frenzy and Onslaught by 1 second.
    Fury Cost: None​

    Tier III (10 Berserker Skill Points required)

    Leap Attack
    Rune Sockets: 1
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: The Barbarian makes a mighty leap, causing ? damage to enemies when he lands.
    Damage of Leap Attack increases with strength.
    Fury Cost: None​


    Active Skill
    Rune Sockets: 1
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: Enter a reckless rage, increasing Fury gained but also damage taken.
    Rank 1: Increases Fury gained by 100% and damage taken by 25%, for 10 seconds.
    Fury Cost: None ​

    Dual Wield Specialization​

    Passive Skill
    Rune Sockets: 1
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Increases physical damage dealt by weapons while dual wielding
    Rank 1: Increases damage by 12%.
    Fury Cost: None​


    Passive Skill
    Rune Sockets: 1
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: Increase all Fury generation for X seconds after scoring a critical hit.
    Rank 1: Increase Fury generation 30% for 8 seconds.
    Fury Cost: None​

    Increase Speed​

    Passive Skill
    Rune Sockets: 1
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: Your Frenzy and Onslaught abilities also increase your movement speed.
    Rank 1: Movement speed increased 5% while using Frenzy or Onslaught.
    Fury Cost: None​

    Tier IV (15 Berserker Skill Points required)


    Active Skill
    Rune Sockets: 1
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: Become a cyclone, delivering multiple hits to everything in your path.
    Rank 1: Each hit deals 25% of weapon damage.
    Rank 2: Each hit deals 30% of weapon damage.
    Fury Cost: None​

    Slashing Strike​

    Passive Skill
    Rune Sockets: 1
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: Your melee attacks have an X% chance to hit all nearby enemies.
    Rank 1: 12% chance to hit all nearby enemies.
    Fury Cost: None​

    Relentless Attacks​

    Passive Skill
    Rune Sockets: 0
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Increases the damage of Frenzy and Whirlwind by X%.
    Rank 1: Increases the damage by 5%.
    Fury Cost: None​

    Destroy Armor
    Passive Skill
    Rune Sockets: 0
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Reduces enemy armor.
    Fury Cost: None​
    Tier V

    No info yet.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2008
  6. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Tier I

    Battle Rage​

    Active Skill
    Max Rank: 1
    The barbarian enters a rage which increases damage done by 100% and increases Critical damage by 30%. Lasts for 15 seconds.
    Fury Cost: 50​

    Max Rank: 0/15
    Increases the duration of Battle Rage, Battle Cry, and Ignore Pain by 10%
    Fury Cost: none ​

    Power of the Battlemaster
    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Increases damage of all Battlemaster skills by 20%
    Rank 3: Increases damage of all Battlemaster skills by 30%.
    Fury Cost: None ​

    Iron Skin
    Passive skill
    Max Rank: 0/15
    Description: Toughens the Barbarian’s skill, increasing his/her armor.
    Rank 2: +20% armor.
    Rank 3: +30% armor.
    Fury cost: None ​

    Tier II (5 Battlemaster Skill Points required)

    Hammer of the Ancients
    Active Skill
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: A massive attack that deals bonus weapon damage plus additional physical damage. It also increases the damage from critical hits.
    Rank 1: Deals 100% weapon damage, an additional 2 physical damage, and increases critical hit damage by 20%
    Fury cost: None​

    Battle Cry
    Active Skill
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: A battle cry that increases the armor of the Barbarian and all other party members.
    Rank 1: +80% armor. 60 second duration.
    Fury Cost: None​

    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 0/15
    Description: Increases the chance that a monster will drop a health globe.
    Rank 1: +7% increased chance
    Fury Cost: None ​

    Critical Attacks
    Passive skill
    Description: Increases the damage bonus of critical hits.
    Max Rank: 15
    Rank 1: +20% critical hit damage.
    Fury Cost: None.​

    Shield Specialization
    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Increases the Barbarian’s chance to block with a shield and the amount of damage he can block.
    Rank 1: +8% chance to block, +6 damage blocked.
    Fury cost: None​

    Tier III (10 Battlemaster Skill Points required)

    Furious Charge
    Active Skill
    Max Rank: 1
    Description: Charge directly at an enemy, dealing weapon damage to the target and to enemies in the area.
    Rank 1: Deal 120% of weapon damage to the target and 80% to enemies in the area.
    Fury cost: None​

    Ignore Pain​

    Active Skill
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Reduce all damage taken for X seconds.
    Rank 1: Reduce all damage taken by 79% (?) for 10 seconds.
    Fury Cost: 50​

    Deliberate Defense
    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 0/15
    Description: Critical hits increase the Barbarian’s armor.
    Rank 1: On a critical hit, +10% armor for 15 seconds.
    Fury cost: None​

    Improved Battle Rage

    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: Gives melee attacks a % chance to make Battle Rage cost no Fury for X seconds.
    Rank 1: 7% chance to active no-Fury cost Battle Rage for 8 seconds.
    Fury cost: None ​

    Death Proof
    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: 15
    Description: The barbarian overcomes death. Upon receiving fatal damage the Barbarian is kept alive and gains back 30% of his maximum hit points. The effect can not occur more than every 300 seconds.
    Fury Cost: None​
    Tier IV (15 Battlemaster Skill Points required)

    Inspiring Presence
    Passive Skill
    Max Rank: Rank 15
    Description: Increases the effect of Terrifying Shout.
    Fury cost: None​

    Natural Resistance
    Passive skill
    Max Rank: 0/15
    Description: Increases all resistances.
    Rank 1: +10 to all resistances.
    Fury cost: None​

    Mighty Hammer
    Passive skill
    Max Rank: 0/15
    Description: Increases the damage of Hammer of the Ancients.
    Fury cost: None​

    Tier V
    No info yet, we know they exist.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2008
  7. ArchaicDrago

    ArchaicDrago Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    World of warcraft much? lol

    juss looked at them all. Really interesting. Arcane looks pretty sweet
  8. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

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    Keep in mind that World of WarCraft took its talent system directly from Diablo2's skill system. If any one of Blizzard's games is copying another, then it's World of WarCraft that's copying Diablo. If you're talking about how Diablo3 has passive talents now, which Diablo2 never had and therefore 'must' be copying from World of WarCraft, take a look at synergies.
  9. ArchaicDrago

    ArchaicDrago Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    K yea.. im stupid i forgot WoW came out after d2 lawl

    If they added Synergies in WoW.. that game would be so OP
  10. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

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    Where did synergies in World of WarCraft come into this? It basically already has synergies. That's practically what the whole talent system is. Not to mention that it wouldn't be overpowered because every class would have them.
  11. ArchaicDrago

    ArchaicDrago Member

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    Synergies and WoW didnt come into this at all. Im juss metioning if WoW had synergies like d2 did.
  12. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

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    Even so, it wouldn't be overpowered, as every class would have them. Just adding something doesn't mean the game wouldn't be balanced, as it would obviously be balanced to compensate.

    The point remains that this system is a direct improvement of Diablo2's patch 1.10 Skill Tree system. It's merely split the skills into abilities and synergies, so that players don't have to invest in abilities that they're not using and so that the synergies will be more useful overall and just taking one skill doesn't require you to take another for it to be effective.